Codes of the Russian Federation

Businesswoman of the Russian Empire. “The Maidan authorities were able to crush society”

Elena Baturina is not losing ground: for the sixth year in a row, the businesswoman has become the richest woman in Russia. According to Forbes magazine, her fortune is estimated at $1.2 billion. Now the wife of former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov is developing a hotel business in Russia and Europe. In addition, it invests in real estate and alternative energy.

Second place in the ranking of the richest women in the country was taken by Tatyana Bakalchuk. The fortune of the CEO of the Wildberries online store exceeds $600 million. Now it is the largest online clothing and footwear store in Russia. The site also sells electronics, home goods and jewelry. Last year, Bakalchuk managed to increase store revenue by 40%. On Black Friday alone, more than a million orders were processed.

Elena Rybolovleva is in third place. She was included in the Forbes ranking for the first time two years ago thanks to the end of a legal battle with her ex-husband. Since then, she has been on this list constantly. Her fortune is estimated at $600 million - all of these are payments to Dmitry Rybolovlev under the settlement agreement.

The fourth is Natalia Fileva, Chairman of the Board of Directors of S7. Her fortune, like that of Ms. Rybolovleva, is estimated at $600 million. S7 is the country’s second-largest air carrier after Aeroflot. Last year the company transported more than 14 million passengers.

As Forbes notes, every year there are more and more ex-wives of billionaires and representatives of the political elite in the “women’s” rating. There are several reasons for this trend, noted co-chairman of the Business Russia organization Anton Danilov-Danilyan:

“In the early and mid-90s, when, in fact, the pool of the richest citizens of Russia was being formed, such purely gender relations played a certain role. Among the country's leadership there were no women administratively strong enough to tip the scales slightly in the female direction. Therefore, loans-for-shares auctions and other privatization processes, which led to the accumulation of significant amounts of property in the hands of private individuals, were mainly carried out among men. As for the current processes, gradually people who made huge fortunes are entering an age when it is more and more difficult for them to manage these fortunes. In addition, sanctions and other external factors have a very strong impact. As a result, part of the fortune passes to the heirs, among whom are both wives and daughters. This is also due to the need to deconcentrate property into a more distributed sphere, which includes a much larger number of relatives.”

Yuri Luzhkov responded to the Forbes rating. He called the data about his wife’s condition “complete nonsense.” According to the former mayor of the capital, he is not involved in his wife’s affairs. But, judging by the way they live, she simply cannot have such income. Quote: “I have my own cockroaches in my head, she has her own business, and that suits us completely.”

Anastasia Roizman

Both women and men want to live their lives profitably, without wasting time. And this is right, you need to live your life in such a way as not to regret the minutes you live, people choose their place in life themselves, and their entire future fate will depend on what lifestyle they choose.
A woman may have three options: to be a businesswoman, to build a successful career, to earn enormous money and not need anything, but she will not have enough time for her family. She can have a regular job, earn a stable salary and have an eight-hour working day, which will allow her to pay attention not only to work, but also to her husband and child. And some prefer to stay at home, give their attention and care to their children, do housework and look after their pets. Which path to choose is up to no one but the woman, because this is her life, and it is up to her to decide what is best to do.
Most ladies choose housekeeping rather than a stable job in an organization. This has its positive and negative sides, which we will consider further.
To begin with, let's discuss the positive aspects of doing only housework; a woman does not worry about work, she feels free at home. She constantly maintains home comfort, takes care of her husband and children, and solves everyday problems.
She herself is free as a bird, because a housewife takes care of household chores, she can afford to read her favorite book at any convenient time, or go shopping, visit a beauty salon, do her favorite thing, and other activities.
But how much time does a housewife have to do what she loves? Many women believe that while sitting at home they can do everything and spend the majority of the day doing their favorite activities, but how does the situation actually work out? Maybe things aren't so simple for housewives? Let's discuss the negative aspects of housekeeping by women who sit at home without working at any enterprise.
As practice has shown us, a housewife has so many things to do that there is almost no time left for her favorite activities. She does something all day long, does laundry, irons washed clothes, cleans the house, takes the child to kindergarten, and then picks him up. And this is just a small list of tasks that a woman does throughout the day.
At her favorite job, a woman feels free, she is always in the center of events, she is smart, constantly developing, and strives for her goal. The life of a business woman is much richer and more interesting than that of ladies sitting at home. Therefore, if you are a housewife, then think about whether you can build a successful business or prove yourself in a prestigious job.

Congress delegates Jenny Chen, Susanna Zhang from Taiwan with friends from Peru

PHOTO: Sergey Shakhidzhanyan, “Evening Moscow”

Today foreign business women paid a business visit to Moscow.

The meeting was held in connection with the meeting of the congress of the World Association of Women Entrepreneurs FCEM (Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises Mondiales). The congress was held in the capital for the first time. It was expected that .

The director of Technograd, Maxim Kiselev, happily met them and spoke in fluent English about how the organization entrusted to him works.

Several buildings, dozens of specialties, five areas of work, including digital, creative technologies, service, industry and urban infrastructure - all this is “Technograd”. A real educational city, where training is conducted on the most modern equipment and using the latest technologies.

It’s great that our complex is beginning to arouse such interest among foreign delegations. The business community often visits us. It was surprising for me to learn that there is no analogue to our “Technograd” in other countries. And I am pleased to realize that in Moscow we managed to create an amazing and unique space for the international community,” Maxim Kiselev told the VM correspondent.

Dijana Zoricic from Zagreb came with her husband.

I haven’t been to Moscow for 15 years and now I simply don’t recognize it! From a strange city with streets always clogged with dirty cars, it became an exemplary European capital. Moreover, your weather has somehow improved. I once came here in October, too, it was snowing, and there was uncleaned dirt under my feet. “And now I wear shoes, and my husband, who is usually cold, doesn’t wear a jacket,” she shared.

Jenny Chen of the China Business Women's Association agrees.

I'm here with my friend Susanna Zhang from Taiwan. I had never been to Russia and was very afraid to go here - we were warned that we needed to be careful. But, climbing onto the roof of a hotel in the center of Moscow, I saw the old city with the latest buses. And your metro is a real miracle! - Jenny declared enthusiastically.

Dijana Zoricic from Zagreb, Rita Hiiralall from Mauricius Island and Corinne Wiimard

PHOTO: Sergey Shakhidzhanyan, "Evening Moscow"

Fragile Erica Covera Paz, no less than the president of the company and the largest Peruvian association of women businessmen.

I had to fly far. This is my second time visiting you: during the World Cup, Peru organized a large-scale presentation in the Manege exhibition hall. I saw that many people in Russia are interested in our country, and I returned here with pleasure,” says Erika.

But the French couple Corinne and Eric Viimard are more reserved in their assessments.

Together, despite any sanctions, we will do business in Russia. Russian people still need to learn to be more clear in their promises. My husband and I quickly realized that “second” in Russian can mean an hour, and “I’ll call you tomorrow” can mean a month. But you are on the right track. We really liked Technopark, which its director Maxim Kiselev told us about. We don’t have anything like this anywhere in Europe,” said Corinne Wiimard.

Time does not stand still, and society changes with it. To make a name for yourself among the business elite, it is no longer enough to spend the day focused and focused in the office from dusk to dawn. The world of entrepreneurs requires from a “candidate” with a claim to success creativity, initiative, an unconventional approach to everything and the ability to complete a hundred tasks at the same time, preferably with a Hollywood smile. In a situation where important negotiations take place in small talk format at parties, chance acquaintances decide the fate of complex contracts, and calling on the phone instead of sending a message in the messenger is perceived as bad form and, in general, an encroachment on personal space, it is important to understand what is happening around and choose the right tactics and strategies. Five sociocultural trends that rule the roost are here to help you.

What emotions

Leadership positions are no longer a purely male affair. And it’s not a matter of blurring the boundaries between the sexes: women are winning the professional “war” - attention! - not despite the codes embedded in their DNA, but precisely because of them. A man always and everywhere acts in his own style, while a woman is by nature more emotional and feels better about her interlocutor. As a result, she chirps at a cocktail party with clients, communicates sternly with guilty managers, and shows her master class in professional communication in front of her boss. At the same time, she is the most affectionate and gentle with her family and beloved pets. Moreover, “strong and independent” can change roles at least every five minutes. The sooner everyone realizes that she can do this too, the faster her career will take off.

Let's slow down

While processes were accelerating, and people were running to trainings teaching “the principles of survival” under time pressure, the Slow Life movement suddenly appeared and gained momentum. Its theorists insist: in order to get everything done and not get emotionally exhausted, you need to slow down. We explain: analyze your goals and objectives. Do everything that requires surgical intervention, as usual, quickly. But do the things on the list that allow you to relax as slowly as possible. This will not affect the result in any way - you will brilliantly fit into the timeline, and the body will appreciate your manipulations and will definitely say thank you. In addition, the opportunity to stop and think is a great way to comprehend everything that is happening and build the only correct plan of action. Productivity from such “exercises” usually skyrockets.

Always in touch

Fact: Millennials rule the world and dictate its rules. If you want to be on top, come out of the shadows. Offers that are important for a career takeoff are no longer received by mail - in the form of emails; in modern society they are “harvested” like a harvest at fashionable events. Feel free to answer “yes” to every invitation! and consider the cocktail as a practical lesson in the ability to conduct non-committal conversations in a relaxed atmosphere. The second important point: always be in touch and actively use instant messengers. Chat is a new work field that fits perfectly into the concept of “professional communication” and at the same time provides quick results.

Smart environment

As Mayakovsky wrote, “if the stars light up, it means someone needs it.” The conclusion is simple: everything in this life should work for you, and the interior of the apartment plays an important role in this matter. It’s not for nothing that it’s now so fashionable to use the prefix ‘smart’ for every word. A “smart” home, in which everything is tailored to the comfort and optimization of the life of a big city girl, will be an excellent addition to all your leadership qualities. Don't know where to start transforming your apartment? Get a new generation air purifier-humidifier - A802 RAIN from BORK. The device boasts a two-level cleaning system: first of all, the built-in enzyme filter destroys all small dust particles (and at the same time bacteria). Next, a water filter comes into play, saturating the air with moisture and thus restoring a comfortable microclimate. You will see, as soon as the irritating factors are dealt with, your performance will soar to its maximum level. Do you spend most of your time in the office? Place a high-tech device near your workplace and continue doing your business. After all, it is easy and simple to operate it in absolutely any room. And all thanks to an intuitive and convenient water filling system. You can pour water into the air purifier-humidifier directly onto the display, which guarantees maximum ease and comfort during use. As a bonus, A802 RAIN from BORK will benefit your beauty - proper hydration of the epidermis, which means a rested look is guaranteed.

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Life according to Hygge

In short, the concept means a Scandinavian fairy tale about a better life - with the maximum degree of coziness and comfort. The secret of Danish happiness is the ability to enjoy the simplest things. Did the courier arrive 5 minutes early? Here is an application for a good day. Important partners suddenly made an appointment? A great opportunity to get to know your key clients better and take your working relationship to the next level. Got stuck in a traffic jam? There is time to fix your makeup or read an article in a magazine that has long been waiting for its moment of glory. The heating was turned on at home, the relative humidity in the room dropped sharply from the optimal 40-60% to a modest 20-30% and your skin responded with peeling? Turn on your A802 RAIN air purifier humidifier from BORK and enjoy optimal indoor climate (and your dexterity at the same time).