Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Where to rent. Rent of unicycles, hoverboards, electric scooters and segways


Haven't figured out how to spend the weekend yet, but are you sure you want an active holiday? Go for a bike ride - with friends, family or alone with your thoughts. And if you don’t have your own iron horses, you can rent them at Electra comfortable bicycle rental, which operates on the Krymskaya embankment.

st. Krymsky Val, 10 building 2

Izmailovsky Park 0+

In Izmailovsky Park there are several rental points for bicycles, scooters, as well as velomobiles, Segways, golf carts and other vehicles that allow you to explore all corners of one of the largest green areas in Moscow.

al. Bolshoi Krug, 7, lit. A

Sokolniki Park" 0+

The rental point is located on the Main Alley and is open daily from 10:00 to 22:00. You can rent scooters, bicycles and roller skates. The length of bike paths in the park is more than 10 kilometers. Attractions, a summer cinema, a trampoline arena, a rose garden, a pond, museums, a dance veranda - overcome impressive distances between these and other objects with pleasure and the breeze!

st. Sokolnichesky Val, 1, building 1

Kuzminki Park 0+

There are two rental points in the park: a large one (near the playground in the central part) and a small one (on the central alley, near the entrance). Here you can rent a bicycle (children's, adult, with a child seat, tandem, fatbike), roller skates, scooter, longboard, hoverboard and children's electric car. There are protective equipment (helmet, knee/elbow pads) and a bicycle trailer. The length of the ring bike path is 8 kilometers, but you can also ride along the alleys of the park. “Armed” with wheels, visit the bookcrossing gazebo, the chess playing area, the squirrel colony and other places in the park.

natural-historical park Kuzminki-Lublino, 1, building 2

Fili Park (Filyovsky Park) 0+

At the main entrance of the Fili park and at the entrance from Bolshaya Filyovskaya Street, next to the attractions, there are rental points with a wide selection of bicycles, velomobiles, scooters, electric vehicles, electric scooters and Segways. The length of the bike paths is 6.5 kilometers, but riding along the embankment (length 5 km) or along the alleys of the park is not prohibited. Sports grounds, climbing wall, chess club, summer cinema - include these and other points in your route. Rental hours are from 10:00 to 22:00 on weekdays and until 23:00 on weekends.

st. Bolshaya Filevskaya, 32, bldg. 3

Gorky Park (Gorky Park) 0+

The Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Count Orlov's grotto, cascading fountain, Golitsynsky pond, rose garden, monument to Maxim Gorky are just a small part of what can be seen in the park. There is also a single bicycle path with a length of 8 km, where you can rent a bicycle in Muzeon and return it at Vorobyovy Gory. There are 13 rental points on site where you can rent adult and children's bicycles, including child seats, children's bicycle trailers and baby strollers. In addition, we rent balance bikes for children, velomobiles, roller skates, longboards, adult and children's scooters.

st. Krymsky Val, 9


Two rental points of the VeloGrand company are located next to Luzhniki, which means that you can go to the promenade at Vorobyovy Gory. Professional bicycle mechanics carefully monitor the technical condition of each rental bicycle. The vehicle is completely customized to the client, taking into account his individual characteristics and wishes. Here you can rent roller skates, longboards and scooters.

st. Luzhniki, 24, building 16

Luzhnetskaya embankment, near the Vorobyovy Gory metro station


The Pedal company provides bicycles costing from 650 rubles per day. There are models of “iron horses” for rent for every taste: city, mountain, women’s and children’s. You can use bicycle rental services at three addresses.

st. Sokolnichesky Val, 1, lit. B

Universitetsky Prospekt, 6, bldg. 1

Zubovsky Blvd., 21/23, building 1


The company offers to rent mountain and city bikes of different price categories for periods from one hour to several weeks. New bikes, convenient routes, excellent views of the city. Standard rental - 200 rubles per hour. If you take transport for a longer period, the price is reduced. The closest walking place to Oliver Bikes is Gorky Park. A 10-minute drive from Muzeon and Vorobyovy Gory. A backpack, luggage storage and water will be provided free of charge.

A year and a half ago, the website launched in the UK, where anyone could post advertisements for the rental of their own gadget, clothing, kitchen utensils and other household items, but rarely used. The resource quickly began to gain popularity. As it turns out, the average home in England had about 25 rarely used appliances: for example, a drill was used for only 8 to 14 minutes a year. Rental points were popular among Russians in Soviet times, when you could rent skis, a refrigerator with a TV, and even a porcelain set. In 1956, the first car rental service appeared in Moscow: the initiative belonged to Nikita Khrushchev, who was impressed by a similar service in the United States. With an increase in the range of goods, as well as rising incomes, the population had the opportunity to purchase previously unavailable things, but this could not kill the rental system. Today in Russia you still rent cars, skates and wedding dresses, but you can also rent something more exotic.

Rent a friend

In the summer of 2010, a service was launched in Moscow, which led some to bewilderment, while others even forced others to accuse it of immorality. We are talking about the “friend for rent” service, which came to Russia from abroad. In the West this is not surprising. In America, for example, it has long been possible to rent a wife, and in Japan you can have an entire family for a specified period of time. And if in the USA, when renting a spouse, the customer will have to provide financial guarantees and a number of medical certificates, then in Russia it is enough that the client’s age exceeds 18 years, he does not drink alcohol during the meeting, and also does not offer sex. As a rule, communication with a temporary friend takes place in a cafe. The service provides for an hourly payment, which ranges from 500 to 700 rubles. But besides this, you can order additional “options”, such as going shopping together, riding a bike, or even agreeing on friendly help when moving. However, they will have to be paid separately. By the way, communication can be made cheaper if desired, but then you will have to make it virtual.

Animal rental

Pet rental in Russia is still poorly developed. But things are different in the West. In America, the FlexPetz system has long been operating, offering hourly rental of dogs; in Japan, cats, ferrets and turtles are provided for temporary housing in city apartments, and in Switzerland you can even rent a cow. In Moscow, one of the first to decide to turn to foreign experience was the Zoozashchita-Plus charity foundation, which launched a dog rental service. The shelter was forced to take this step by the large number of stray dogs that regularly come to them. As a rule, those who want to adopt an animal for good come for puppies, but for adult dogs the chances of finding a home are much lower. Therefore, the shelter staff decided to offer older pets for a couple of days, at least three, so that during this time the family could decide whether to keep the animal or not. The service itself is free, you just need to sign an obligation to feed and walk the dog. You can also rent pigeons in the capital. Renting birds is in demand among newlyweds who like to release birds during the celebration. The price of the service ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles.

Renting a “living book”

A Muslim, a Buddhist, a truck driver, a former homeless person, an official - any of the representatives of various social groups and professions can be rented from the Living Library project. It works the same way as a regular one: the “reader” comes, fills out a card, selects a “book”, studies it, and then turns it in and leaves - or exchanges it for another one and continues reading. The only difference from a traditional library is that the books are real people, and instead of reading there is a conversation. The first “Living Library” opened in Denmark in 2000, and gradually the rental of “living books” spread throughout the world. As a rule, “living libraries” open for meetings of readers once every few months, but there are also those that operate regularly. In Moscow, the last meeting of readers with “living books” took place in November 2011. Participation in it was absolutely free, and there were no age restrictions for those who came. Thus, the youngest reader was only 10 years old, and the oldest was over eighty. The rental of “living books” causes mixed reviews, but the creators of the project aim to dispel stereotypes attributed to various social groups.

Carriage rental

Capital residents will not be surprised by the rental of luxury vehicles. Most often, Muscovites prefer limousines (and sometimes they take them not even for a special occasion, but for meeting and seeing off at the airport); rental of retro cars is also gaining popularity. But rented carriages on the road are still rare, although the number of companies offering such a service has recently increased. In the 18th-19th centuries, the carriage was not only the main means of transportation, but also a measure of social status and an indicator of the high wealth of its owner. Indeed, in addition to the vehicle itself, it was necessary to have your own coachman and several horses. Today, renting a carriage will also not be cheap. The most expensive rental is Glass Lando carriages. They are hand-assembled from precious wood at the European Manufactory, which has been making carriages for noble houses in Europe for more than 80 years, including the Royal Family of Great Britain. An hour of riding on it will cost 42 thousand rubles. But you can also find a more budget-friendly option: an hour-long rental of an open cabriolet will cost “only” 12 thousand rubles.

RV rental

According to the World Tourism Organization, one of the favorite types of automobile tourism in Europe and the United States is caravanning. About 17% of foreigners prefer traveling in motorhomes. In Germany alone in 2011, the number of tourists traveling in their own or rented caravan amounted to 5.5 million people. Russians are also beginning to take a closer look at caravanning, and in response to their interest, the number of companies renting out motorhomes is growing. For a motorhome equipped with gas heating, several sleeping places, a kitchen module with a stove and refrigerator, as well as a shower with a dry closet, you will have to pay from 3,500 to 7,800 rubles per day. As a rule, the minimum period for renting a camper is three days, but if the client decides to drive it for more than a week, the company will reduce the total cost by 10-15%. In addition to paying for the motorhome itself, the rental company will have to leave a deposit, which will be returned to the client at the end of his trip. Russians' interest in caravanning will be stimulated by the opening of new European-level campsites, the construction of which is already underway.

Luxury jewelry rental

Rental of jewelry and expensive costume jewelry is a service that is familiar to many in the West. Moreover, it is not low-income people who resort to it: renting a necklace or earrings worth several tens of carats is almost a mandatory procedure for many stars who need to appear on the red carpet. Thus, actress Sofia Vergara came to the recently held Golden Globe ceremony wearing jewelry worth $5 million, which became a kind of record. But even in Hollywood and the Cote d'Azur, wearing diamonds every day is considered bad manners. Another thing is luxury jewelry. Many designers are now focusing on producing stylish jewelry with semi-precious stones. In Moscow, as in many other world capitals, products that have become associated with the term costume jewelery and the cost of which reaches several thousand dollars can be rented. Typically, jewelry is rented for up to two days. The rental company enters into a bilateral agreement with the client, and an amount equal to the cost of the product is charged as a deposit; The distributor keeps a quarter of this money as a fee for use when the client returns the jewelry to him.

Tram rental

Today, renting a limousine or even a helicopter won’t surprise anyone, but the offer to rent a tram still sounds unusual. Nevertheless, such a service is already in demand in a number of both Russian and foreign cities. Today you can rent a tram in Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, Rostov, Lvov and Riga. And Moscow was no exception to this list. You can get your hands on the legendary “Annushka” in the capital, which was first put into flight in 1911. Over the decades, its route has changed several times, and now “Annushka” has turned into a tavern on wheels that runs along the Boulevard Ring. You can ride a rented tram along one of two existing routes, or offer and agree on your own. Also, depending on the route, the duration of the trip will vary. The cost of renting “Annushka” is 5,000 rubles per hour, plus the same amount will have to be paid for delivering the tram to the specified location. By the way, you can try renting a regular tram. To do this, you should contact one of the capital's tram depots, for example, them. Bauman or im. Apakova.

Island rental

When going on vacation, you can rent an apartment, a villa, a yacht, or a whole piece of land in the ocean. You can find a secluded island resort in any region of the world: in the Seychelles, Fiji, the islands of Oceania, French Polynesia, British Columbia or the Great Barrier Reef. The rental period for a private island can be limited to just a weekend or extend over several weeks or even a month. The only thing is that it is better to arrange for renting an elite piece of sushi in advance. The number of private islands in the world is limited, and the most attractive offers are booked six months before the planned vacation date. Island rental prices range from high to exorbitant. So, as a “budget” option, you can go to Guana Island in the Caribbean. A week of stay there will cost $88,000. For this money, the client will have seven snow-white beaches and a house with 15 rooms at his disposal. Premium offers exceed $300,000 per week. One of the most expensive islands today is Musha Bay in the Bahamas. A week's stay in five luxury villas located on 60 hectares of land, surrounded on all sides by the ocean, will cost $330,000.

Pilgrim rental

An unusual rental service was invented by the Portuguese Carlos Gil. He decided to rent out... himself - as a pilgrim going to holy places. Carlos Gil calls himself “one who keeps promises,” and twice a year he walks from his native Carcais to the city of Fatima. According to legend, it was here on May 13, 1917 that the Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children. At the site of her descent, a temple was built, which became a place of Christian pilgrimage. In Fatima, Carlos Gil voices the prayers and requests of his “customers”, and then returns back. The 160-kilometer journey takes the resourceful entrepreneur about two weeks, and from the cities where he stops, Gil sends postcards to his “clients.” By providing pilgrim services for hire, Carlos helps those who are weak and sick or simply do not have enough time to travel on foot to holy places. True, the cost of his help by Portuguese standards is not at all low and amounts to? 2500. But a believer from anywhere in the world can make a virtual pilgrimage with the assistance of Carlos Gila, because it is enough to pay for his service with a credit card.

You won’t be able to just ride through the streets of Moscow on an electric scooter - you first need to register. This can be done through the website of the rental operator “Delisamokat” or through the mobile application of the same name, which is available in the AppStore and GooglePlay.

To register, you need to enter your full name, email address and phone number. After registration, the service will require you to take a photo of your passport (registration and a page with a photo), as well as a selfie with the document. It is also necessary to sign an electronic agreement with the operator company. This is done to identify the user, since minors are prohibited from riding rental scooters.

After this, moderators must review the documents and activate the account. Verification may take up to 24 hours.


How to find a scooter

After registering and activating your account, you need to link a bank card to it, from which up to 50 rubles will be withdrawn to check its positive balance. This money will be returned within 24 hours.

After that, you can safely take a scooter. Just look at the map in the mobile application and select a station to start renting. Now there are stations in the city center and outside the Third Transport Ring: in Strogin, Krylatskoye, Kuntsevo, Ramenki, as well as on Vernadsky Avenue and Lomonosovsky Avenue. You can ride from 7:00 to 23:00.


How to take a scooter

To rent a scooter, you must first book it through the application, and then pick it up from an employee at the station by scanning the QR code from the application. After the start of the rental, an hourly fee of 100 rubles will be debited from the card. You can also rent a scooter for the whole day - for 450 rubles. To ensure that the scooter does not run out of charge and can be left, for example, at a store without fear of theft, an employee at the station will provide a free lock and charger.


How to start a movement

To turn on the scooter, you need to press and hold the “Start” button for two seconds. After this, you need to turn on the flashlight and select the riding mode: double press to ride in normal mode and one press to ride in energy saving mode.

After all the settings - feel free to go! The scooter has a hand brake on the left, and a gas handle on the right. To start moving, you need to press the gas, and when the speed reaches 5 km/h, you can press the acceleration button - and the scooter will go much faster.

To slow down, you need to release the acceleration button, and for an emergency stop, squeeze the brake handle. But at high speed it is better to brake with caution, as there is a risk of falling. In addition, you need to stand with both feet while riding the scooter. You can maneuver by steering wheel or tilting your body left and right.

Photo: 5

How to end a rental

You can return the scooter at any rental point marked on the map, but only if there are free places there. And remember - you must return the transport before 23:00.


  • 200 rubles - a torn footrest, a broken canopy glass, a broken panel on the steering wheel (but working), a broken/lost bell;
  • 500 rubles - a broken rear or front fender, a broken folding mechanism, a broken brake/gas handle, a broken power panel;
  • 1000 rubles - torn wires, broken battery, broken electrical equipment, damaged front or rear wheel;
  • 2000 rubles - broken steering wheel or steering column, broken iron elements;
  • 5,000 rubles - if the scooter is not returned before 23:00 (in this case, the scooter can be returned until 8:00 the next day);
  • 30,000 rubles - if the scooter is not returned within 48 hours after the start of the rental.

Another similar scooter rental service should appear in the city soon - from the YouDrive company. The company promises that its rental will operate around the clock and offers per-minute rentals.

Velobike is a network of urban public bicycle rentals in Moscow. Moscow bike rental operates 24 hours a day, usually from May 1 to November 1. In 2019, the rental season opened on April 25.

To start using bike sharing, you need to register in the bike sharing system. It can be done:

  • in the rental station terminal;
  • on the Velobike network website;
  • via mobile application.

When registering, you will need to indicate your first name, last name, email address and mobile phone number, to which you will receive an SMS with your login and PIN code to access the system.

To access bike rental for the first time, log into the Velobike system using the login and PIN you received, select the appropriate tariff and pay for it with your bank card (Visa, Master Card or MIR).

3. Where and how to get an electric bike?

Electric bicycles are available at You can view the current list on the website"Velobike".

"> some stations. All users registered in the rental system can take them. You need to choose the one with a sufficient battery level: if all three indicators are on - green, yellow and red - the bike will travel up to 18 kilometers, yellow and red - up to 10 kilometers, only red - up to 5 kilometers. A flashing red indicator means the battery is low.

To turn on the electric bike, press the red button located on the right side of the handlebar. Then smoothly press the speed trigger.

The electric bicycle can be returned to any operating electric rental station in a special port marked “Electric bicycle”. It can also be returned to a regular port, but only for a fee of 1000 rubles.

5. Where to ride?

It is better to ride on bicycle paths, because it is the most convenient and safe when moving around Moscow by bicycle. There are bike paths in parks, natural areas and along city streets.

Cycle paths can be intra-district or laid on streets connecting neighboring districts, the periphery of the city with the center. Some bike paths lead to transport hubs where you can leave your bike in a bike rack and transfer to other modes of transport. Bike rental stations are located near many bike paths.

6. How to return a bike?

The rented bicycle must be returned to any Velobike rental station - the main thing is that it has free racks.

To return a bike:

  • Place the bike in the port as far as it will go and press “OK” on its panel;
  • wait One beep means that the rental is over, three means an error.">sound signal;
  • wait for confirmation via SMS;
  • Make sure the bike is locked in the port and the display shows “Return ok.” This is confirmation that the system has accepted your bike.

Be sure to check that the system has accepted your bike. Otherwise, the trip will not be completed, and 48 hours after the start of the rental, a fine will be debited from the bank card that was used to pay for the access. If you took a regular bicycle - 30 thousand rubles, if an electric bicycle - 50 thousand rubles

7. What else do you need to know before you go?

Before your first bike ride in the city:

1. Learn the rules of the road for cyclists. The cyclist must obey the rules of the road that apply to vehicles. It is prohibited to ride a bicycle that has a faulty brake system or steering system. Signals must be given before starting to move, changing lanes, turning (turning) and stopping.

2. Read the rules for transporting bicycles on public transport: in the metro, ground transport, commuter trains.