
Instructions on labor protection for underground miners: general provisions on monitoring the health of workers, training, production instruction and issuance of protective clothing. Job Description of a Mining Worker What professions are there in a mine?

Workers entering the mine must undergo a preliminary medical examination in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Workers must undergo periodic medical examinations with mandatory chest x-rays. The frequency of inspections is as follows:

– once a year – for workers engaged in clearing and tunneling work;

– once every two years – for other workers.

Workers who are diagnosed with occupational diseases during a medical examination are immediately transferred to another job in accordance with the conclusion of the medical commission. Workers who have not passed a medical examination are not allowed to work.

Workers entering the mine, as well as those transferred to work in another profession, must undergo training in safety precautions and industrial sanitation at the mine's training center with a break from production and mandatory passing of exams.

The following duration of preliminary training has been established:

– ten days – for workers entering underground work who have not previously worked in mines;

– five days – for workers who previously worked in mines;

– two days – for workers transferred to work in another profession.

If the labor organization provides for the combination of production professions, then workers must be trained in all types of work provided for by the labor organization.

Preliminary training in safety and industrial sanitation is carried out at a training center or training center. Its purpose is to familiarize workers entering the mine for the first time with working conditions, rules of conduct, first aid in case of an accident, and the use of a self-rescuer.

An entry about the induction training is made in the journal in form Ш.17.1 (at the training center) and the worker’s personal card (in the personnel department).

Initial briefing at the workplace and familiarization with emergency exits is carried out by engineering and technical workers of the site (shop, service) to which the employee arrives.

During the initial briefing at the workplace, the employee must familiarize himself with the technical documentation, the workplace, technology and organization of work, safety and fire protection equipment, as well as safe working methods in the workplace in their profession, exit through the emergency exit from the mine (mine surface facility ) accompanied by an engineering and technical worker of the site (workshop, service).

A record of the initial briefing and familiarization with emergency exits is made in the safety briefing book for the site (workshop, service).

After initial briefing at the workplace and passing a safety exam, workers teaching professions, as well as university students and students of technical schools and vocational schools (who do not have a certificate in the profession) are allowed to practice under the guidance of a worker-instructor in accordance with the contract in the form Sh.17.8.

Workers entering work in their profession or transferred to work in another profession are assigned, at the direction of the head of the site (shop, service), recorded in the work safety briefing book, to a worker or foreman, team leader, or foreman to work under supervision. The duration of the latter is set as follows: two days - for mine surface workers, 10 days - for workers who performed work in clearing or preparatory workings in layers that are dangerous due to periodic positions, 5 days - for all other underground workers.

Those entering the mine for the first time, after training in a profession, work under supervision if they completed their practical training at another site (workplace).

The person carrying out supervision is obliged to check the work of the worker assigned to him at least three times a shift (at the beginning, middle, end) and, if necessary, provide assistance in performing it safely, and in case of danger, prohibit the work.

After completing work under supervision, the head of the section (service workshop) issues permission to work independently with an entry in the work safety briefing book.

Workers must undergo annual safety training, which is conducted by a local supervisor.

Workers who re-enter the mine or are transferred to underground work must undergo testing of their ability to use self-rescuers in special smoky drifts or equivalent premises. Repeated inspections must be carried out at least once a year by a local supervisor by bringing workers in self-rescuers through emergency exits from the mine to the surface.

Repeated instruction - familiarization with emergency exits - after 6 months, rules for using self-rescuers - after 2 years, primary fire extinguishing means - after 2 years, various signs of spontaneous combustion, warning signs of sudden rock bursts, sudden methane breakthroughs - after 1 year.

Repeated unscheduled and ongoing briefings are carried out by engineering and technical workers of the site (service).

A record of repeated and unscheduled briefings is made in the Work Safety Briefing Book with the signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing.

The current briefing is recorded in the order book.

Workers must be familiar with the emergency response plan as it relates to their place of work, and with the rules of personal conduct during accidents. After familiarizing themselves with this plan, workers must sign the “Worker Safety Instruction Book.”

Workers who are not familiar with the emergency response plan and do not know it in the part related to their place of work, as well as the main and emergency exits from the mine to the surface, are not allowed to work.

It is allowed to send at least two experienced workers simultaneously to the faces of dead-end workings and workings remote from workplaces, as well as to any underground workings on non-working days and shifts for the mine, if they have a gas detector, and only after checking these workings simultaneously by two supervisors.

Workers must be trained in the rules of first aid and carry individual dressing bags in a durable waterproof shell.

Workers must be trained in dust control and pneumoconiosis prevention.

The mine administration provides workers with special clothing, safety shoes, and personal protective equipment in accordance with established standards.

The enterprise is obliged to replace or repair workwear and safety footwear that have become unusable before the expiration of the established wear period for reasons beyond the control of the workers.

Such replacement is carried out on the basis of a corresponding act drawn up by the administration with the participation of a representative of the mine’s trade union committee.

Workers are obliged to take care of the work clothes, safety shoes and safety equipment issued for their use, and hand them over for washing, drying and repair in a timely manner.


1. Rules of personal conduct

§ 1. The worker is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations of the mine, observe production discipline and follow the orders and instructions of supervisors (foreman, manager). The worker must (except in emergency cases) work only during established working hours and perform the work assigned to him according to the order (order).

§ 2. The worker is obliged to be careful when performing work, to know all warning signals, both related to his immediate work and those of general mine significance, and also to constantly monitor the personal safety and safety of his fellow workers. Risk, recklessness and actions that could lead to accidents and accidents are not allowed.

§ 3. A worker who notices a danger, along with taking acceptable measures to eliminate it, is obliged to immediately notify the supervisor or the mining dispatcher about it.

§ 4. The worker must carefully handle the lamp, self-rescuer, tools, machines, mechanisms, ventilation devices, cables, protective grounding, pipelines and other equipment of underground mines.

§ 5. Having discovered a malfunction of machines, electrical equipment, cables, ventilation devices, etc., the worker must immediately report this to the supervisor or mining dispatcher.

§ 6. Tools with sharp edges or blades must be carried in protective cases or special bags. Small tools should be carried in bags.

§ 7. The worker must be able to use fire extinguishers and other fire extinguishing equipment.

§ 8. A worker is prohibited from being in or carrying out work in workings whose condition poses a danger to people, with the exception of work to eliminate these dangers.

II . Descent into the mine and movement through the workings

§ 10. Before descending into the mine, the worker must receive (or take) a lamp, a self-rescuer, and a token for descending into the mine in the time room. A worker whose duties include measuring gas concentrations at the workplace must receive a gas detector before descending into the mine.

§ 11. When descending into the mine, the worker must:

a) wear a proper safety helmet, special clothing and footwear appropriate for the working conditions;

b) have a flask with drinking water and an individual dressing bag;

§ 12, Before descending into the mine, the worker is obliged to check the lamp.

In doing so, you need to make sure that:

a) both filaments of the lamp are working and it burns brightly:

b) the safety glass is intact, the headlight is sealed:

c) the body is intact, the lid is tightly closed and sealed.

Descending into a mine with a faulty lamp is prohibited.

§ 13. Upon receipt of the self-rescuer, the worker must verify the integrity of its body, the presence and serviceability of the closure of the ring for opening the self-rescuer and the shoulder strap for wearing.

Descent into the mine without a self-rescuer or with a faulty self-rescuer is prohibited.

§ 14. Before boarding the cage, the worker is obliged to give the release token to the handler - the signalman.

§ 15. You can enter or leave the cage (people's trolley) only with the permission of the handler - the signalman or the trunk (conductor),

It is prohibited to board or exit a cage (human trolley) after the departure signal has been given.

§ 16. Exit from the cage (human trolley) is allowed only in one direction after it has completely stopped.

§ 17. A worker in a cage is prohibited from opening the cage doors. The cage doors must be opened by a barrel or a signal handle.

§ 18. When boarding a cage (human trolley), as well as during its movement and when exiting it, the worker is obliged to maintain order, move calmly, and not run. Transported objects and hand tools should be placed in such a way as not to cause damage to others. The worker must unquestioningly comply with the requirements of the signal handle and the stem (conductor).

§ 19. In the cage you should stand along its long sides and hold on to the handrails.

§ 20. It is prohibited to lean out of the cage (people's trolley) while the cage (people's trolley) is moving, or to place transported objects over the sides of the cage (people's trolley).

It is not allowed to carry objects that protrude beyond the dimensions of the cage (person trolley).

It is prohibited to enter the cage for lowering or lifting if there is a load in the cage (parts of machines, mechanisms, other objects, fasteners and other materials).

§ 21. After leaving the cage (people's trolley), the worker must follow the prescribed route to the workplace, without stopping in the mine yard or other workings. It is prohibited to enter workings that are fenced with bars (crossed), as well as workings in which work has not been assigned by an order.

§ 22. It is prohibited to cross the lifting compartment of the shafts: crossing is only allowed along the bypass opening or through the staircase compartment.

§ 23. It is prohibited to go down into the mine, move around the workings, or work without an individual lamp on.

§ 24. The worker must know the established safety signs for coal mines and comply with their requirements.

§ 25. It is necessary to move in the mine only along workings where walking is permitted. It is prohibited to walk between or climb over train cars. Crossing conveyors is only permitted using walkways.

§ 26. When moving along haulage workings, a worker should not follow the rail tracks, but must move along the side of the workings intended for the passage of people.

§ 27. When a train approaches, the worker must stop at the wall of the excavation on the side of the passage for people and let the train pass.

§ 28. If it is necessary to stop the train, the worker must give a signal to the driver by repeated movements of the lamp across the working.

§ 29. It is prohibited to walk along inclined workings along which haulage is carried out using trolleys or other haulage vessels.

Moving along inclined workings along which trolleys are used is permitted only when the movement is stopped.

§ 30. During the operation of lifting devices in inclined workings, it is prohibited for persons not participating in this work to enter the sites where the coupling and uncoupling of trolleys is carried out.

§ 31. The passage of people on locomotives, in trolleys, on platforms (platforms), in skips, on conveyors and other vehicles not intended for the transport of people is not permitted.

§ 32. When moving along vertical and inclined workings, the worker must securely attach tools and other objects so that they cannot fall and injure people below.

III. Precautions at work

§ 33. Before starting work, a worker (at his workplace), a foreman, a team leader (at the workplace of a brigade, a unit) are obliged to check the workplaces and bring them into a safe condition. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the support complies with the approved passport, the dust and explosion safety of the workings, that workplaces are provided with ventilation, gas control, dust control and fire extinguishing equipment, as well as the serviceability of safety devices, cable networks, fences, alarms, communications and equipment, mobile rescue centers and other safety equipment.

When changing jobs, you need to be aware of any hazards that have been noticed.

Throughout the entire shift, workers (leaders, foremen) must monitor the safe condition of the place of work, the serviceability of the equipment and devices being maintained.

If signs of danger are detected, the worker (team leader, foreman) must immediately stop work, warn his comrades and go to a safe place, informing the technical supervision person and the mining dispatcher about this.

If a malfunction of equipment (devices) is detected, the worker (link, foreman) is obliged to take measures to eliminate them.

At the end of the shift, the worker (team worker, foreman) is obliged to hand over his workplace, equipment and devices in a safe condition to the worker (team worker, foreman) replacing him. In this case, it is necessary to report the dangers noticed by him.

The profession of a miner is something mysterious for people who have not encountered the work of a mine. The image of a miner, in the minds of many people, is a black-dirty man who, somewhere deep underground, mines coal with a pickaxe. Then, he pushes a small trailer loaded with coal to the surface of the earth. About 100 years ago, this process looked approximately like this. The development of technology has greatly simplified this entire process.

Artem Svetlov / flickr

What is a modern mine?

The underground part of the mine consists of tunnels that are located horizontally, vertically and at an angle. They are called workings. Mine terminology is rich in specific names that do not mean anything to an uninitiated person. This also applies to the names of the workings. Depending on their purpose, they have their own names: drift, crosscut, slope, shaft, furnace, adit (many have heard this name in films and cartoons).

People descend into the mine either along a vertical shaft in a cage (like in an elevator), or along an inclined shaft in areas reminiscent of children's carriages. Next, everyone disperses through the mine workings to their workplaces. The distance of the workplace from the shaft can reach 5-7 km.

Coal is mined using coal combines in workings called lava. But at the same time, there are still mines where coal is mined using the method of our grandfathers - with jackhammers. From the lava, coal is transported by a carpet to the nearest working, where it is poured either onto the next conveyor (looks like a conveyor belt at a supermarket checkout) or into cars that are further pushed by an electric locomotive. Coal is delivered to the surface either through inclined workings using conveyors, or along a vertical shaft using skips (a huge elevator).

What professions are there in a mine?

– this is not the name of a profession. This word is used to describe all people working underground. But there are many professions in the mine, each differing in the specifics of performing the work. The most common are:

- GROS (miner of the longwall face) - these people are directly involved in coal mining, they maintain and repair the mechanisms that mine coal, secure the “roof” (the mass of rock that is located above the head) so that it does not collapse, etc.;

- sinkers - they make tunnels (workings) through the mine, through which coal, fresh air, and people will subsequently be transported;

— GRP (underground miners) - perform all auxiliary work on loading and unloading materials, repairing and installing mechanisms, removing coal from the soil, etc.;

— MPU (underground installation operators) – control various mechanisms;

— electric mechanics – repair the mechanical and electrical parts of the equipment, they ensure trouble-free operation of all mechanisms;

- surveyors - draw up maps of underground workings, suggest the direction of workings.

Is it hard to be a miner?

Any work in a mine is not easy. Despite the fact that most processes are mechanized, a lot of work has to be done manually. In conditions of increased air temperature, dust and cramped space, any work is much harder than on the surface.

The work of the tunnelers and GRAZ workers is the hardest, but their salaries are also the highest.

It is believed that miners are fearless and strong people. Physical activity and difficult working conditions really create such people. Miners are also united people. The specifics of production imply only teamwork. This makes working easier and safer.

How to become a miner?

Any of the mining professions requires specific knowledge, which is acquired in educational institutions - institutes, technical schools, lyceums. Duration of training from 1 year to 5 years.

There is also an accelerated form of training - at training centers in mines. Moreover, any person without education can acquire one of the professions in 2-3 months. But this education will not be enough for career growth. After completing the training point, only blue-collar professions are available.

Why do people go to work as miners?

Working in a mine attracts with its salary level and benefits.

Even a low-skilled miner's salary is much higher than that of people working on the surface. Over time, by increasing your professional level, you can receive a very high salary.

Miners have a vacation duration of about 60 days per year.

If you go to work in a mine at the age of 18, you can retire at the age of 38-50 (depending on your profession).

When staying in a private house with stove heating, coal is free.

Coal trade unions work well, providing annual trips to the sea, to sanatoriums, and recreation centers.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Issue No. 4 ETKS
The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 12, 2003 N 61

Miner underground

§ 21. Underground miner 1st category

Characteristics of work. Carrying out work on slabs and drives with delivery of rock mass at the workplace according to plan up to 100 tons per shift. Rolling up and rolling away loaded and empty trolleys using winches, pushers and manually. Reception and direction of trolleys through races and slabs. Coupling and uncoupling of cars and platforms, switching points. Escort of trains and individual cars. Reception and delivery of sound and visible signals. Accounting for the descent and ascent of workers and cargo. Reception and handing over of descent and exit tokens indicating the time of descent and departure. Raising derailed trolleys and carriages. Cleaning of trolleys, machines, mechanisms, haulage openings and tracks, slabs, platforms, drainage grooves from coal, ore, rock and other foreign objects with loading into wagons. Inspection and lubrication of trolley bearings. Coating of lintels, panels, pipes with clay. Slagging of places where dust accumulates. Whitewashing of mine workings. Preparation of clay, cement, lime mortars. Preparation of the emulsion. Conveyor stripping. Opening and closing ventilation jumper doors. Hose wrapping. Maintenance of filter screens on sumps. Cleaning the linings of underground structures manually. Pumping water with hand pumps. Accounting and checking the contamination of minerals with visible rock. Breed selection. Checking the completeness of loading of trolleys. Accounting for extracted minerals and rocks. Selection of operational samples of minerals from trolleys and conveyors outside the production and development faces using samplers and special devices. Sample cutting Temporary protection of explosive materials at the site of blasting operations, blasted blocks and other objects. Installation of barriers and warning signs. Delivery of drilling tools, carrying materials, boiling and carrying water, making and carrying a stopper, performing other auxiliary work that does not require training. Cleaning of underground office premises.

Must know: the principle of operation of loading and unloading devices, winches, pushers, conveyors, the mechanisms used, devices, rules for handling them; types of trolleys and coupling devices, devices for slicing and whitewashing of workings; rules for operating rope haulage; rules for the transportation of people and goods; techniques for lifting derailed trolleys; rules for installing track signals and switches; regulations on acceptance and rejection of minerals; purpose of inert dust, its consumption rates and storage procedures; purpose and rules for preparing clay, cement, lime mortars; purpose and location of mine workings, rules of movement along them; types and properties of lubricants, methods of their use; operating rules and maintenance procedures for turnouts; rules and methods for collecting and cutting operational samples; requirements for sample quality; device of samplers; the procedure for accounting for extracted minerals; regulations on the protection of explosive materials at the site of blasting operations and other facilities; installation of filter screens, sumps, suction hoses.

§ 22. Underground miner of the 2nd category

Characteristics of work. Carrying out work on slabs and drives with the delivery of rock mass at the workplace according to the plan in excess of 100 tons per shift. Rolling and rolling loaded and empty trolleys outside the face area manually and using mechanisms. Monitoring the correct entry and exit of people into cages and trolleys. Unloading the rock mass into an ore pass, a bunker or onto a conveyor through a tipping ramp. Assisting the stemman in his work to monitor the correct and safe loading and unloading of the cage. Cleaning soil, sheets, wooden decking, and passing minerals through them. Cleaning up spilled rock mass. Relaying and replacement of sheets (pans) and wooden flooring. Selection of formation and production samples in production and development faces. Performing auxiliary work during rock mass scraping, formation and dismantling of trains. Control of the Bremsberg brake installation, monitoring its operation, the condition of the rope, rollers, track, brake pulley and signaling device, lubrication of the brake pulley bearings. Monitoring compliance with mineral extraction technology. Delivery of explosives under the supervision of a blaster to blasting sites. Checking the serviceability of cars placed for filling with emulsion, turning on and off pumps when pumping emulsion through pipes, closing the holes in cars with plugs (if they are missing, making new ones). Notification to the mining dispatcher about the completion of filling and supply of empty cars. Control and maintenance of the hydraulic elevator, starting and stopping it, eliminating minor malfunctions in its operation. Monitoring the flow of pulp into the sump of hydraulic elevators and dredgers, removing foreign objects from the pulp. Cleaning the suction neck. Participation in the repair of serviced machines, mechanisms, devices. Treatment of toilets with disinfectant solutions and removal of toilet contents from the mine.

Must know: techniques for passing rock mass along slopes; methods for constructing wooden flooring; haulage and travel route schemes; track profile on the serviced area; rules for regulating train traffic, loading, unloading and rolling away trolleys; ventilation scheme and direction of the outgoing stream through the shaft; rules for storing, transporting, carrying explosive materials in mine workings; properties of explosive materials; installation of fences and rules for placing posts; installed alarm system during blasting operations; state standards for sampling and cutting; regulations on acceptance and rejection of coal (shale), works; design and principle of operation of sampling and sample separation mechanisms, devices, hydraulic elevators, Bremsberg installation and other serviced equipment; slurry pipeline diagram.

§ 23. Underground miner of the 3rd category

Characteristics of work . Reception of fastening, explosive, construction, lubricants, spare parts and equipment at a shaft, pit or well, loading and unloading them manually or using rigging mechanisms and devices into trolleys, onto platforms, into buckets, cages; delivery through mine workings to the destination, from site to site, to the shaft (pit), delivery from the mine. Carrying out, fastening, restoring and cleaning drainage ditches and wells manually from rock and sludge, removing sludge, hauling away loaded trolleys. Maintenance of equipment during drainage work. Inspection of the condition of mine workings, scaling of sides and roofs using a hammer drill, jackhammer or manually, minor repairs of rotary hammers and jackhammers. Cleaning trolleys from adhering and compressed mass using pneumatic tools. Assisting the electric locomotive driver in shunting work. Carrying out work on underground devices. Tightening the sides and roofs of excavations, replacing tie rods, backfilling voids behind the support. Tearing out the soil and cleaning the sides of the excavation. Preparing the cut for the jumpers. Construction of all types of lintels and their repair. Installation and repair of ventilation doors, windows, metering stations, wooden panels, pipes, barriers, scaffolding. Installation of door frames, hanging doors, installation of shelving. Manufacturing, installation, disassembly and repair of ladders, hatches, stairs, shelves, fences, railings, bunkers in mine workings with an inclination angle of up to 45°. Covering ventilation shafts of mines. Preparation of rods, preparation of concrete mixture, delivery to the work site. Tying reinforcement, installing and cementing bolts and hooks. Selection and preparation of support and formwork elements. Delivery of rock by trolleys to the place of dry filling of mined-out space. Release of rock from ore slopes, rising funnels and transfer it through screens into a bunker or ore pass, breaking down oversized items, increasing the ore pass. Drilling holes and burrs manually. Preparing and driving plugs into drilled holes. Selection of drills and crowns. Participation, under the guidance of a blaster, in loading wells, boreholes, mine chambers with the delivery of explosives to the place of blasting. Cleaning of sumps, catch chambers (under cages, skips), water collectors from silt, spilled rock mass with loading into and unloading of trolleys. Breaking down large pieces of rock. Cleaning of conveyor stands of scraper and belt conveyors. Participation in replacing pans and chains on conveyors, replacing drums. Participation in the repair of belt conveyors. Maintenance of water barriers (carrying, delivery, installation of containers, filling with water). Collection, loading and unloading of scrap metal in the mine. Carrying out work to prevent and extinguish fires in coal and shale mines: assembly, disassembly, carrying, laying pipes; preparing a cut for lintels, drilling holes, securing workings, ditches and wells with various types of support, excavating coal and rock in the burning area. Performing auxiliary work during excavation and clearing of mineral deposits.

Must know: arrangement of vehicles, devices used for loading heavy parts and equipment; varieties, species and sizes of forest materials; methods and rules for constructing and fastening drainage, drainage ditches and wells in various conditions; techniques and rules of rigging work; purpose and arrangement of jumpers of various types; methods and techniques for extinguishing burning coal; rules for conducting work when burning coal in mine workings; diagram of local and mine drainage systems; rules for loading holes, wells, mine chambers; arrangement and location of water collectors, sumps; work schedules for cages and skips; arrangement and purpose of shelves, ladders, ladders, hatches and other structures in mine workings, methods of performing carpentry work in a mine; mechanical properties and types of wood of various species; types and types of support used; rules for performing plumbing and installation work to the extent necessary for the work; basic information about the design of gas cutting equipment.

§ 24. Underground miner of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Control of injection units, drainage machines during the implementation and restoration of drainage, drainage ditches and wells, installations for hydraulic fracturing. Maintenance of drainage machines during drainage work. Construction and repair of crossings, ladders, loading hatches, stairs, shelves, railings, ladders, fences, bunkers in mine workings with an inclination angle of more than 45°. Clearing mine shafts of ice. Wall cladding and repair of the lining of the tub and staircase sections of the shaft, rising workings. Providing assistance in operating self-propelled equipment, loading machines, loading and hauling and other machines and installations during mining and mining. Backfilling of mined-out space with hardening backfill. Regulation and direction of filling material through pipelines. Monitoring the readings of measuring instruments. Extension and shortening of pipelines. Making the work area safe before starting work and during the shift. Accounting for the number of accepted bookmarks. Control of a scraper winch during filling operations. Installation of formwork and lintels made of wood, metal and other materials. Installation of metal rods for fastening lintels and formwork. Carrying out fastening and installation and dismantling work outside the treatment space. Performing work on a suspended shelf when sinking or deepening vertical shafts: passing buckets, materials, equipment through the sockets of the suspended shelf; passing pipe strings through the flanges of the shelf when lowering and raising the shelf or pipe strings. Delivery, installation, dismantling, movement, preparation for operation of equipment for chemical strengthening of unstable carbon massifs. Laying of injection and emulsion hoses, their suspension to the support elements. Planning and clearing the site for equipment installation. Packaging and delivery of chemicals to the work site. Sealing of borehole and wellheads. Preparation of fastening solutions. Injecting chemicals into the array in accordance with the data sheet, adjusting parameters. Monitoring the tightness of injection systems. Carrying out hydraulic fracturing.

Must know: design, technical characteristics of the machines and equipment used; rules for installation, dismantling and operation of injection equipment and equipment for hydraulic fracturing from underground mine workings, their technical characteristics; the fastening compositions used, their reagents, storage, transportation rules and safety measures when working with them; parameters of work on chemical strengthening of rocks; modes and volumes of injection of fastening compounds; reasons for poor-quality strengthening of rocks and measures to prevent it; the procedure for hydraulic fracturing of layers and drainage ditches by machines; types of supports; the procedure for performing work on the construction and repair of support, backfilling of mined-out space; characteristics of mine workings of various types; features of the design and repair of the structures of the running compartments of mine workings with an inclination angle of more than 45°; physical properties of rocks; communication pipeline diagrams; schedules for organizing work on reinforcing shafts; sizes of tubs, sockets, pipes passing through the shelves; basics of electrical engineering and plumbing; rules for the safe conduct of work on chemical strengthening of unstable carbon massifs, hydraulic fracturing and work in underground conditions.

Clears trolleys, machines, mechanisms, haulage workings and tracks, slabs, platforms, drainage grooves from coal, ore, rock and other foreign objects with loading into the wagons. 2.11. Inspects and lubricates trolley bearings. 2.12. Coats lintels, panels, pipes with clay. 2.13. Conducts slicing of places where dust accumulates. 2.14. Prepares clay, cement, lime mortar, emulsion. 2.15. Opens and closes ventilation jumper doors. 2.16. Wraps the hoses. 2.17. Maintains filter screens on sumps. 2.18. Pumps out water using hand pumps. 2.19. Takes into account and checks the contamination of the extracted mineral with visible rock. 2.20. Takes operational samples of minerals from trolleys and conveyors outside the production and development faces using samplers and special devices. 2.21.


For failure to perform or improper performance of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. Head of structural unit (initials, surname) (signature) » » 20

Agreed by: Head of the Legal Department (initials, surname) (signature) » » 20

403 forbidden

Job description of a miner on geological work Hydraulic fracturing with a shovel Aka, with an oriental flavor An underground miner (UMG) is a low-level mining specialty, something like a general worker in other industries. It is used for the most stupid and unskilled work, and does not part with a shovel for years. Representatives of other specialties look down on hydraulic fracturing and call it a “team of underdeveloped people” (options: “specially untrained person”, “a click smarter than Jacques”).


Seriously speaking, hydraulic fracturing is the initial specialty with which the underground experience of each mine specialist begins: GRZ, miner, MGVM, MPU, electric mechanic, mining foreman, etc. Everyone who gets a job at a mine for the first time is required to work for at least a year given profession, and only then, if there is a desire, can he begin to improve his qualifications.

Job description of an underground miner of the 3rd category

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2017 Issue No. 4 ETKS Issue approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 12, 2003 N 61 Section ETKS “General professions of mining and capital mining works” § 10.

Miner 1st category Characteristics of work. Cleaning of cars, trolleys, roads and railway tracks in quarries and open pits, haulage workings, drainage ditches from debris, rock, silt. Checking and recording the contamination of minerals with visible rock.
Checking the completeness of loading of trolleys, wagons and other vehicles. Accounting for extracted minerals and rocks. Recruitment, delivery and recording of samples.
Registration of rejection certificates and documents for accounting of mineral extraction. Translation of arrows.


Temporary protection of explosive materials at the site of blasting operations, charging blocks, wells, explosive zones during blasting operations in quarries, as well as other objects. Installation of fences and warning signs, giving and receiving signals.

Hose wrapping. Lubrication of trolleys, machines and mechanisms. Collection of used oil and delivery for regeneration.


Raising derailed trolleys and carriages. Participation in the preparation of clay, cement, lime and other solutions. Loading, unloading and transporting goods by horse-drawn vehicles, caring for horses, harnesses, harnesses.

Disinfection of premises, cleaning of toilet contents. Working with a crank when driving holes. Selection of completeness and movement of drilling tools to work sites.
Collection of dull drilling tools and delivery to the workshop.

Miner job description

Sprinkling roads in quarries with sand during icy conditions, boiling and carrying water, removing dust, chlorinating sewer networks and other similar work that does not require training. Must know: the operating principles of the mechanisms, devices and tools used, the rules for handling them; delivery route, rules for carrying used drill sets, their sizes, head shapes; methods of stacking cargo; the order of maintenance of turnouts and signals; name and location of mine workings and rules for safe movement along them; external difference between a mineral and a rock; types and properties of lubricants, methods of their use; the procedure for recording the issued mineral resources; rules for stowing derailed trolleys; signs of classification of minerals and rocks.
§ 11. Miner 2nd category Characteristics of work.

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Control of a scraper winch during filling operations.

  • Installation of formwork and lintels made of wood, metal and other materials.
  • Installation of metal rods for fastening lintels and formwork.
  • Carrying out fastening and installation and dismantling work outside the treatment space.
  • Performing work on a suspended shelf when sinking or deepening vertical shafts: passing buckets, materials, equipment through the sockets of the suspended shelf; passing pipe strings through the flanges of the shelf when lowering and raising the shelf or pipe strings.
  • Delivery, installation, dismantling, movement, preparation for operation of equipment for chemical strengthening of unstable carbon massifs.

Underground miner When assisting a victim with broken bones, bruises, sprains, it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the damaged part of the body by applying a tight bandage (splint), and apply cold.

Job description of underground miner

Underground miner of the 3rd category When working on models of building structures, it is prohibited to walk on the reinforcement, walk over the struts, or loosen the braces. All free foundation glasses must be covered with lids. 3.15. When projecting points from the original onto the installation horizon, it is prohibited to simultaneously perform work at two levels. Above the instruments on the lower horizon there should be a canopy with a special trap for falling objects. 3.16. When demonstrating laser and other devices with increased danger, preparation, bringing the device into working position and turning on the device are carried out by a teacher and laboratory assistant of the department who have undergone special training and a safety course.3.17. All teams must be supplied with a full set of instruments, instruments, inventory and equipment, the quality and safety of which must be constantly monitored.3.18.

  • Themes:
  • Job Descriptions

The “Job Descriptions” section contains the necessary information on how a job description is drawn up. Here you can find typical job descriptions for different specialties.
Our bank of job descriptions includes more than 2,500 different documents. These job descriptions were compiled and edited in 2015, which means they are relevant today. From this article you will learn:

  • what responsibilities, powers and rights are reflected in the job description of an underground miner;
  • what provisions are contained in the standard job description of an underground miner;
  • For which areas of work according to this job description is this specialist responsible in your organization.

Limited Liability Company "Alpha" APPROVEDGeneral Director A.V.

Sampling of minerals from the rock mass, storage, loading into vehicles. Weighing the mineral and handing it over to the receiver.

Unloading trolleys on a tipper. Delivery of explosives under the supervision of a blaster to blasting sites. Preparation and delivery of slaughtering materials. Maintenance of hydraulic elevators, bucket elevators, earth pumps. Monitoring the uniform flow of pulp into the sump of elevators and dredgers. Eliminate suction blockages or air pockets. Removing foreign and large objects from the pulp manually or using devices.

Cleaning the suction neck, suction hoses, grate screen above the sump. Cleaning and repair of wells. Elimination of minor malfunctions in the operation of serviced equipment and mechanisms.

Reception, storage and delivery of low-value inventory.

Miner surface duties

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 12, 2003 N 61 “On approval of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, issue 4, sections: “General professions of mining and capital mining works”, “General professions of enrichment, agglomeration , briquetting", "Extraction and beneficiation of coal and shale, construction of coal and shale mines and open-pit mines", "Construction of subways, tunnels and underground structures for special purposes", "Extraction and beneficiation of ore and placer minerals", "Ore agglomeration", " Extraction and beneficiation of mining chemical raw materials”, “Extraction and beneficiation of construction materials”, “Extraction and processing of peat”, “Processing of brown coals and ozokerite ores” and other legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General provisions 1.1.