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Pedagogical essay teacher vocation or profession. Essay on the topic "teacher profession or vocation"

Teaching - when in the eyes of cold
The dawn of understanding will light up,
And you will understand: I tried not in vain
And it was not in vain that he scattered his knowledge.

I have been working at the school for four years, despite the fact that I am a linguist-translator by profession. Nevertheless, many students will say that I am a teacher from God. "Why?" - you ask. This is because in my profession I manage to skillfully combine the role of not only a teacher, but also the role of a friend, assistant, mentor, and be a role model for my students.

A foreign language is not easy for everyone; it is one of the most difficult subjects at school. However, in my practice, even the laziest students are ready to take up the textbook. What's the secret? Here are the main ways to make you come to your senses.
There are many difficulties in my work, but above all, responsibility is important. When students come to school, they see their teachers in front of them every day and copy them. Therefore, the teacher’s worldview, his behavior, his life, his approach to each phenomenon influence all students. Realizing this, I, as a teacher, look after myself, since my behavior and actions are under the greatest control.

The second aspect of a teacher’s successful activity is how the teacher builds his relationships with his students. Remember the following recommendations:

  • be sincere, friendly, polite and tactful, regardless of the child’s age; every child is already an individual;
  • keep your promises; if you cannot keep them, do not promise in vain; children feel when they are being deceived;
  • do not single out anyone, treat everyone equally;
  • show sincere care, participation, and interest to your students, as if they were your own children;
  • be demanding but fair;
  • don't be intrusive; allow children to be independent; just be nearby and be ready to support in difficult times;
  • respect the opinions of children, their suggestions, ideas; know how to put yourself in their place;
  • be patient, do not reprimand in front of others, do not scold the child, speak in a confidential tone and always give reasons;
  • praise even for minor endeavors;
  • show your children your love for the subject, charge them with your enthusiasm, and they themselves will be drawn to knowledge;
  • Don’t transfer your family troubles, irritation to your children, leave everything outside of school.

A teacher who can correctly, without a single conflict, maintain a conversation with children can safely be called a teacher with a capital T.

In my teaching practice, the primary task is not only to invest knowledge of a foreign language, but also knowledge of life, moral principles and values. After all, it is the teacher who spends most of their lives with children - childhood, adolescence. Sometimes it is easier for a child to speak out to the teacher rather than to close people.

For four years there was not a single issue that I did not part with without regret. A piece of soul was invested in each student. During the training period they become family.

In my lessons, I try to use more visual material: various diagrams, tables, pictures. Children respond more from their seats, as they are much more comfortable and confident from there. In my lessons you can often compete in intellectual tournaments, take part in quizzes, competitions, such a lesson does not seem boring. Children come there with interest, and not with anticipation of sleep. They never know what is in store for them in class, so the first question they ask upon entering the classroom is: “What are we going to do today?” But this is a mystery, they will only find out in class.

As a class teacher, I often organize themed evenings for students and their parents, and conduct various excursions and trips. After all, it is important that the child’s time at school is remembered for the rest of his life not as tedious lessons and homework, but as an interesting, exciting and fascinating journey through the land of knowledge; school became their second home, and after graduation they always wanted to return there.

Essay “Teacher-profession or vocation”

What is a profession? A profession is a system of knowledge, skills and abilities inherent in a particular person.
What is a calling? Vocation is an inclination, an internal attraction to some business, some profession.
Teacher: profession or calling?
A teacher is a profession and a calling! It is no coincidence that I combine both these words. Distinguishing between them is like trying to determine which side of a coin is more important.
Childhood is the most important period of human life. And how his childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this, to a decisive extent, determines what kind of person he will become. It all starts from childhood. And childhood - from family and school. The family is, first of all, the mother, and the school is the teacher. Within the walls of the school, one generation is replaced by another, views, tastes, fashion, people, and power change. But the teacher always remains the main person in the school. In life you often hear that a person is faced with a choice: where to study, what profession to choose. For me, such a question has never arisen! I began to understand my calling as a child. I always knew that I would be a teacher. From early childhood, my favorite pastime was playing “teacher.” I played with my friends and “back to school” dolls. And after a while the game turned into reality. I became a teacher. Of course, without a calling in the profession, effective teaching activity is impossible. This is a profession of the soul. It gives you the opportunity to be in the country of childhood, in the world of a child, to speak the same language with children, to understand them. And it’s so interesting and fragile! In my opinion, the worst thing in the teaching profession is indifference to children. After all, a child cannot be deceived. During my work at school, I understood one thing - children should not be deceived under any circumstances, they should not be pretended. You also need to be sincere and open with them. And then you will win their hearts. In any situation, a teacher must be honest with his students, the teacher must have perfect command of his subject, be able to make each of his lessons interesting, effective, and most importantly, memorable. A teacher must love every student equally: noisy and quiet, obedient and capricious, well-groomed and sloppy, pretty and not so pretty. For the simple reason that they, the students, are children. If a teacher is indifferent to the child’s inner world, to his experiences, he has no place in school, even if he knows his subject perfectly.

So what does it mean to be a real teacher? First of all, I must answer this question for myself.
Find joy and satisfaction in everyday work. Empathize with children's successes and failures. Love and enjoy communicating with children. Be a problem solver and find ways to achieve goals. Helping every child learn and grow. Search and find new methods and forms of work. Realize the enormous responsibility. To be a teacher is to create the future.

I am a happy man. I do what I like.

“Teacher” for me is not a profession, not a job, not a hobby. For me
“teacher” is my calling, my life’s work, the meaning of my life, a special state of mind, way of life and thoughts, this is my work, this is life.
I teach my students, and they teach me. I like to look at the world with children's sparkling eyes, filled with kindness, warmth and light, and plunge with them into the world of the new and unknown. They are the ones who spur me on to new beginnings, development and self-improvement. Daily work with information requires a lot of knowledge not only in searching and processing, but also in storing it. An important role is played by the teacher’s ability to use modern technology. A “new school” teacher must be mobile, creative, keeping up with the times, receptive to everything new, capable of creative and scientific research.
The work of a teacher is daily preparation for lessons, selection of interesting material, the ability to convey it to children, as well as passion for their work. When there are children around and they are passionate about a common cause, you feel that you are happy, that everything is not in vain! But in order to ignite others, you yourself must burn, and not smolder. And in this sense, we act mutually: I light them up, giving all my knowledge, skills and life experience, and they give me, with their inexhaustible energy, childlike spontaneity, purity of soul and thoughts. A teacher is not just a profession, but a whole life! This is the image
life, way of thinking, state of mind. This is a combination of professionalism and communication talent.
I think being a teacher is both a calling and a profession. This is a person who is ready to give all of himself to children. This is when you go to work and realize that you want to go there. For what? To communicate with children, because you know that every day will bring both the children and you something new and interesting. I think that every teacher, and especially a primary school teacher, must first of all love his “job” and his students.
A teacher is a profession, a calling, a way of life...
A teacher is a person who creates the future of the country...
The profession of a teacher is beyond time, fashion, geography, nationality...

The greatest benefit you can get from life is to spend your life doing something that will outlive you.

William James

Teacher: profession or calling?

A teacher is a profession and a calling! It is no coincidence that I combine both these words. Distinguishing between them is like trying to determine which side of a coin is more important.

Since ancient times, the teaching profession has been recognized as one of the most important and necessary. Veronica Tushnova very correctly notes:

If there were no teacher,

It probably wouldn’t have happened

Neither poet nor thinker,

Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.

And to this day, probably,

If there were no teacher,

Undiscovered Americas

Remained unopened.

And we wouldn’t be Icari,

We would never have soared into the sky,

If only through his efforts we

The wings were not grown.

Without him there would be a good heart

The world was not so amazing.

Because it is very dear to us

Our teacher's name!

Random people at school, as a rule, do not stay long. Great enthusiasts of their work work here. After all, only teachers with high professionalism can raise a person with modern thinking, capable of finding himself in life. At the same time, the concept of “professionalism” includes not only subject, didactic, methodological, psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills, but also the personal potential of the teacher, which includes the system of his professional values, his beliefs and attitudes.

A professional teacher must be passionate about his work - only in this case will he be able to really teach something. The ability to find contact with those you teach is also a mandatory trait for a teacher. And of course, innate calm, boundless patience and an inexhaustible sense of humor are very important in this profession. The ability and desire to learn throughout life is a mandatory quality of a real teacher.

“Profession is most like love. And in love, everyone has what he deserves” (L.Ya. Ginzburg).

Considering the importance of the teaching profession, everyone who is preparing for it, first of all, must understand whether he has a calling for this type of activity. To have a calling means to be called. Who is calling us and to what?

The calling of a teacher should be viewed as a gift. A sure sign of the gift of teaching is sincere love for children, love for teaching, and especially the joy and pleasure that a teacher experiences in his work.

Other positions and titles may attract with their benefits and amenities. The title of teacher does not promise either one or the other - it is the title of missionary. The teacher does not belong to himself. Not only his time, but also all his strength, all his energy, his abilities, all his thoughts, all of himself, he devotes to school. A teacher who has a calling will be able to overcome all difficulties and will be rewarded with the love of children, the respect and affection of parents, and inner joy.

School life... It is different for everyone. For some it is a noisy holiday, for others it is a melancholy presence. One sees it as a place for cooperation, the other as a barracks. Time at school is a time of learning and debate, searching for truth and oneself, a time of victories and failures, a time of difficulties and experiences, a time of life... Life is sometimes cheerful, and sometimes sad, difficult or carefree.

School for a child is a second home where he lives, spends most of his time, this is the world in which he lives. And it largely depends on me whether the child will love school and remember it with warm feelings. The school should become a world of discovery and revelation, joy of life for students and teachers, a world of calm, harmony and cooperation.

The calling of a teacher is to open the world. In this process, teacher and student complement and teach each other. Children make contact themselves. A child’s raised hand is not only a signal to the teacher that “I know,” but also “It’s okay, I’ll try.” This attempt to answer should be supported in a timely manner, giving the student the opportunity to believe in himself. Then children reveal themselves and their capabilities in every lesson.

A school lesson gives a thoughtful teacher endless opportunities for creativity. New discoveries and new ideas are born in the lesson; from him, as if from a spring, powerful rivers of pedagogical skill originate.

The main thing in the work is the ability not only to present your subject in an accessible way, but also to believe in each child, the ability to find a “pearl” in every “shell”.

I chose the profession of a teacher because, by taking a child by the hand, I can lead him into an interesting and fascinating world of knowledge. Climbing the ladder of knowledge, I can watch how my students grow and develop, and with them I grow and improve. I feel a sense of satisfaction from my work when my student moves up one step next to me, and I feel that he can and should move on independently. Every child is a star that can only contain its shine for so long.

Love for one’s work, for children, encourages the search for truth and the acquisition of wisdom, everyday and pedagogical. Everyone has their own path to their own truth...

One day the sage asked those around him three questions:

What is the most important thing a person has to do?

What is the most important time for a person?

Which person is the most important to us?

People answered these questions differently. Then the sage said to them:

The most important thing for us in life is the one we are doing now.

The most important time is the moment in which we live.

The most important person in our lives is the one we are dealing with now.

The fate of every child you deal with is the most important thing to me. Each person is unique, unique. The school should give the child the opportunity for self-expression and self-affirmation. The most important task of a teacher is to see the good in any student, develop it, and show this good to everyone. Give yourself as a gift. To help people believe in themselves, to find “words filled with good trust” for everyone. Go hand in hand to the top, raising a Person who is kind, sensitive, decent, sociable, confident, independent and purposeful. Learn from children openness, sincerity, a bright outlook on life, the ability to see the beauty and harmony of the world. Learn from colleagues, but remember: you cannot copy and repeat someone else’s path, you need to look for your own path, your own truth.

I follow my path and search for my truth...

It’s hard to imagine how much strength, patience and soul we put into our students! Even if children sometimes don’t even notice or realize it at first, they are always imbued with gratitude later.

But only those people for whom the Teacher is a calling, and not any duty, entered and will forever remain in their memory. Those who gave them a piece of their hearts, sparing neither themselves nor their time for them. Those people who were able to convey to them most of their experience and shout to them in those moments when they almost did not hear them.

Students will remember their teachers, sometimes with a smile, sometimes with surprise, and sometimes with hidden bitterness, because they were so often upset and upset unnecessarily that they did not understand the true meaning of their work. And at a difficult moment, they will suddenly remember the wise advice of teachers.

There is such a legend. When the teacher was born, three fairies flocked to his cradle. “You will be the wisest,” said the first fairy, “because all your life you will teach people.” “You will be the most beautiful,” said the second fairy, “because all your life you will be surrounded by youth and beauty.” “You will be the happiest,” said the third fairy, “because it is a great miracle and joy to make others happy and wise.”

A teacher is a profession and a calling! It is no coincidence that I combine both these words. Distinguishing between them is like trying to determine which side of a coin is more important. What is a profession? A profession is a system of knowledge, skills and abilities inherent in a particular person. What is a calling? Vocation is an inclination, an internal attraction to some business, some profession. A person’s calling is an inner voice that calls for oneself. The words calling, calling, call have the same root. A person’s vocation is a guideline for choosing a life path. Not everyone succeeds in finding their true path in life, their calling.




Educator: profession or vocation?

A teacher is a profession and a calling! It is no coincidence that I combine both these words. Distinguishing them is like trying to determine which side of a coin is more important.

What is a profession? A profession is a system of knowledge, skills and abilities inherent in a particular person.

What is a calling? Vocation is an inclination, an internal attraction to some business, some profession. A person’s calling is an inner voice that calls for oneself. The words calling, calling, call have the same root. A person’s vocation is a guideline for choosing a life path. Not everyone succeeds in finding their true path in life, their calling. The work of a teacher is based on love and kindness. It is on them that our planet Earth rests.

The teacher must be passionate about his work - only in this case will he be able to really teach something. The ability to find contact with those you teach is also a mandatory feature of a teacher. And of course, innate calm, boundless patience and an inexhaustible sense of humor are very important in this profession. The ability and desire to learn throughout life is a mandatory quality of a true educator.

Considering the importance of the profession, everyone who is preparing for it, first of all, must understand whether they have a calling for this type of activity. To have a calling means to be called. Who is calling us and to what?

The calling of an educator should be viewed as a gift. A sure sign of a gift is sincere love for children, love for work, and especially the joy and pleasure that a teacher experiences in his work.

Other positions and titles may attract with their benefits and amenities. The educational title does not promise either one or the other - this is the title of missionary. The teacher does not belong to himself. He devotes not only his time, but also all his strength, all his energy, his abilities, all his thoughts, all of himself to work. A teacher who has a calling will be able to overcome all difficulties and will be rewarded with the love of children, the respect and cordial disposition of parents, and inner joy.

A kindergarten for a child is a second home where he lives, spends most of his time, this is the world in which he lives. And to a large extent it depends on me whether the child will fall in love and will happily run to kindergarten.

The vocation of a teacher is to open the world for children, the world of fantasy, creativity, fairy tales, the world of colors, sounds and music. A child’s raised hand is a signal to the teacher, I trust you, I believe you, we are together.

We must be able to see the best that is in children, and help them see the best in themselves. Thanks to the teacher, children’s talents are also revealed: the ability to sing and dance, to achieve sports achievements or artistic skills. How does a child grow up? Will he become a kind, sympathetic person, a creative person? This largely depends on me, on everyday work, tact and spiritual generosity.

You need to demand from children only what you can serve as an example for them. In order to teach a child something new, to cultivate good qualities in him, the teacher himself must possess them. A.S. said this very accurately. Makarenko:>.

I think being a teacher is a calling and a profession. This is a person who is ready to give all of himself to children. This is when you go to work and realize that you want to go there. Why? To communicate with children, because you know that every day will bring both the children and you something new and interesting.

A teacher is a teacher, that is, a person who teaches and helps to understand the world around us. I consider it my duty to pass on to my children, to instill in them the positive spiritual qualities that I myself possess. And these qualities, in my opinion, develop through love for the Motherland, for nature.

I love my profession very much, despite the fact that it is complex and difficult, it is always wonderful! And every day seeing the joyful, mischievous, inquisitive eyes of my children, I myself forget all my problems! After all, what could be more wonderful than returning to childhood every day!

Essay “Teacher - profession or vocation”

“A calling is a small sprout of talent,

turned into a strong, mighty tree.

But without hard work, without self-education

this little growth can wither on the vine"

What do we do when we are faced with a difficult but interesting question? Of course, we pick up the book! From childhood we hear: “All knowledge is in books!” So let's open Vladimir Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.

According to academician V.V. Vinogradov, “as a treasury of apt folk words, Dahl’s Dictionary will be a companion not only for the writer, philologist, but for every educated person interested in the Russian language.”

In Dahl's Dictionary, the word profession is explained as a trade, as any class occupation, and the word calling is an inclination, talent, purpose, predestination, and a wonderful example is given with this word: “Happy is the man who can follow his calling.”

It's worth thinking aboutIs a teacher a profession or a vocation?

A teacher is, first of all, “a long-distance profession, the most important on Earth,” as Robert Rozhdestvensky aptly said. In the modern world there are many creative professions that require patience and talent. But there are also those that can hardly be called just professions. I include the teaching profession among them. A teacher is an honorable and responsible calling.Separating these concepts is like breaking the connection of atoms in a living cell.

Practice shows that most school graduates are faced with a choice: where to study, what profession to choose. For me, such a question has never arisen! Psychologists say that our truest dreams are dreams that come from childhood. My dream was to become a primary school teacher. Since childhood, I loved to play “school”, where, of course, I was the teacher. My dream has come true. But in order for a dream to come true, efforts must be made to realize it. And the profession of a teacher requires daily improvement. The most important thing in the teaching profession is love for what you teach, the ability to make your classes interesting, memorable, and love for those you teach. A wise teacher should treat all students with equal respect: capable and not so, balanced and mischievous, neat and sloppy. We must believe in every child, in his creative powers, in his success. Lies, indifference, and insincerity are unacceptable in the teaching profession. Children sense lies; you cannot deceive them. If a teacher cannot understand the soul of a little creature and does not have the necessary reserve of patience, then this is not his calling. You shouldn’t waste time and energy on something you don’t like; you need to look for yourself in another profession.

Many famous thinkers, philosophers, and writers were involved in teaching. The ancient thinker and philosopher of China, Confucius, became famous as the first professional teacher of the Celestial Empire. One of the legends describes his conversation with a student: “This country is vast and densely populated. What is she lacking, teacher? - the student turns to him. “Enrich her,” the teacher replies. “But she’s already rich. How can we enrich it?” - asks the student. “Teach her!”

To be a real teacher means to enrich your students. And for this, the teacher of today must be receptive to everything new, must be able to master modern technology, and be capable of creative search. I teach my kids, and they teach me! After all, modern children sometimes understand technology better than us, and we often have to ask them for advice and consult!

I consider myself a happy person because I found myself in a profession, doing a job that I like, that I like. My profession is both a job and a calling, a way of life and thoughts for me. Even at home, after returning from work, I remain a teacher! This profession involves working 24 hours a day, and if there is no calling for this profession, you will not cope with this pace, you will break down. You just have to live this profession! The calling in this profession is a gift. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The profession of a teacher is a profession from God!”

And so, the following conclusions arise: before you decide to become a teacher, think about whether you have a calling? Do you love children, do you know how to communicate with them, can you forgive them all their pranks, will you give all your time to them, the children? A teacher is both a profession and a calling. At all times, this profession remains one of the most important and necessary. Olga Nesterenkova very correctly notes:

Let there be fewer holidays than everyday life.

But the one who became a teacher will understand

What a joy it is to be useful to people

Teach His Majesty the People!

Bring him the gift of wisdom and knowledge,

And your kindness is the light of your heart.

There is no more responsible calling on earth,

There is nothing more honorable and joyful!