
Publications. Publications What is a thick client 1c

The release of versions 8.2 and 8.3 of the 1C:Enterprise program marked a major leap in the development of system architecture. Among other things, this manifested itself in the ability to choose the type of client. Let's look at the differences between “thick” and “thin” clients in 1C.

The differences in data display are in the form of the client-server system.

Program architecture

The 1C system is built on a client-server basis. The term client is commonly understood as a set of user-oriented consumer applications. The concept server refers to the service part in 1C, which is hidden and independent of the user. The client-server system can be represented by different types. Thus, “thick” and “thin” are different types of client-server system. The time has come to consider their differences.

Meet the fat client

What is "fat"? - This is a common type of application that we have been working with in 1C since 7.7. In 1C 8.0 and 8.1 it remained the same. It is characterized by the fact that the server itself, information processing, temporary files, cache - all this is located on the user’s computer. This ensures its full functionality and independence from the Internet.

And it is called thick because to process these powerful processes, powerful data channels are needed - thick (meaning bandwidth). And the exchange takes place via the TCP/IP protocol. Before the advent of 8.2, he was the only type for odoneski work. It is characterized by difficulty in installation and high cost.

IMPORTANT. Development of application solutions in the configurator is available only from this client.

Selecting a thin client

In 1C, the thin client appeared with version 8.2. Operating in this mode is called application-driven. In practice, this manifests itself in the fact that all information processing processes, data, temporary files, query execution, cache - all this is already located on a remote server, access to which is practically limited. And the result (ready data) is displayed on the user’s monitor.

An example of this would be working with some kind of web application. When using such a client, increased system resources and exchange channels are not required - these channels are already thin (designed for a smaller flow). Installing the distribution is simple and does not take up much space. On the one hand, it allows you to work with 1C via the Internet, on the other hand, it only supports user mode, depriving you of the use of the configurator.

Now you know what the differences are between the 1C thick and thin clients and you can choose the best version of the client server for your enterprise.


Many 8 users have already heard terms such as “Thick client” and “Thin client”. But few people know what this means.

Fat client- This is the normal way to work with the program. We have long been accustomed to it (since the days of 7.7 and 8.2). In details .

Thin client- this is the 1C launch mode for working via the Internet, when the accounting database is not on our computer or even on our network, but somewhere thousands of kilometers away on a remote server (possibly in another city or country). In details .

Simply put, for an ordinary accountant who works with a database directly on his computer or on an enterprise network, there is no difference between a thin and a thick client.

But it often happens that some errors appear in one client and are absent in another. As, for example, with displaying transactions in 1C Accounting 8.3.

In this case, it can be useful to find out which client we are currently working in and change it to another.

How do you know which client you are working with? Look at the window with the version of your 1C (at the article):

There, in the “Application” section, your client will be indicated:

It is written about how to change a client.

Sincerely, (teacher and developer).

What are thick and thin clients in the 1C Enterprise 8.3 system? What are the differences between a thin and a thick client?

Your programmers call our accountants “fat clients”, take action!

From user complaints to the project manager.

1C Enterprise has a client-server architecture, which means that the system consists of two components - a client and a server. The client is the collective name of the consumer (user) application, and the server is the service part, hidden from the user.

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Thick client 1C

A thick client is a “usual” type of client application for 1C 8. The peculiarity of this type of application is that the system processes most of the information on the user’s computer. In a thick client, a very large part of the information is stored on the user's computer in the form of temporary files.

Since most of the data is processed on the user's computer, this mode is very demanding on the data channel.

Before the advent of the 1C 8.2 platform, this was the only option for launching the 1C system. To launch the thick client, use the file 1cv8.exe.

Work on developing an application solution () is only possible in thick client mode.

Thin client 1C

The thin client appeared in 1C with the release of platforms 8.2 and 8.3. Working in thin client mode is only possible in managed application mode.

In thin client mode, all actions are performed on the server, and the user only receives a display of the information received. This mode of operation does not require large resources of both the system and the communication channel. The thin client installation distribution takes up much less data.

The thin client is launched by the file 1cv8c.exe.

In addition to the thick and thin clients, there is also .

Many people are familiar with the name 1C, but not everyone understands exactly how it works. 1C: Enterprise is a software product that was originally developed to automate accounting. Today it is used to operate the entire enterprise. There are several options for interacting with the database; in this article we will look at the differences between the 1C thick and thin clients.

Fat client - a long-familiar work option

The original type of program viewing that existed in 1C: Enterprise from the very beginning is called thick. Before version 8:2 it was the only one, but now it is considered the simplest possible. It is worth noting that the application in question lives up to its name. Its functionality includes almost all possible commands, but it requires very good network speed and fairly large computer resources.

This is explained quite simply: the thick client processes most programs in the built-in 1C language on the user’s computer.

  1. How the thick client works:
  2. First, data is requested from the server;
  3. The 1C server sends a request to the database;
  4. The information is sent to the user's application;

The information is then processed.

Introduced in the latest update, the slim app is radically different from its predecessor. Now users can work from home without wasting extra bandwidth or overloading their personal PCs. This change is caused by some change in concepts about how such work should be carried out. The requested processes are processed not on the user's computer, but on the server computer, which then sends the received data to the requester. It turns out that users can breathe easy, but how can they find a device that can cope with the work of an entire huge enterprise? The manufacturer has also provided for this issue - the server can be divided into several computers, obtaining as much machine power as needed.

This is what the algorithm looks like:

  • First, it sends a request for the necessary information;
  • The server communicates with the database;
  • 1C server processes the received data;
  • The server sends the requested information to the user.

The information received is enough to understand that there are differences between the applications, so it would not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with such descriptions before starting work.

Does it make sense to use a thick client?

As already mentioned, many users do not want to accept innovations and remain faithful to the old application. But is it just a matter of devotion? No and no again.

Whenever possible, you should connect through a thick client. Today its functionality remains the most extensive and convenient. For example, the 1C configurator works only in the old version, and the file database is accessed exclusively through the “thick” version of the client application.

But no one argues that the idea of ​​a thin client sounds tempting, and everyone will benefit from the full implementation of this idea, especially large enterprises, for which all this was conceived. Rumor has it that in the coming years the entire software product will be transferred to a new client, but no one is talking about the fate of Tolstoy. Perhaps it will go down in history as unnecessary, but at the moment the time has not yet come to get rid of such convenience.

1C is a client-server software and this means that 1C consists of two programs - client and server. The 1C server program is running on the server. The user on his computer works in 1C client program, which is briefly called the 1C client.

1C has several types of clients, which allows you to use the program on different computer equipment, different operating systems, and geographically distributed.

One of the 1C clients allows you to use 1C using a regular Internet browser on any operating system (even a Mac). Another 1C client is on a PDA, for example, a production PDA in a warehouse for inventory, with a barcode scanner.

Let's look at what 1C clients are, what are their differences, what do they look like and how to work with them?

Thick client 1C

The simplest and most well-known 1C client is the 1C thick client (“regular”). Before version 1C 8.2, apart from it, no other options were provided.

The 1C Configurator (currently) only works in the 1C thick client. It is also recommended to work with the file database using the 1C thick client.

At the moment, it is assumed that all 1C configurations will be transferred to the 1C thin client in the next year or two. Therefore, the exact fate of the 1C thick client in the future remains unclear; it will probably not be used.

The 1C thick client runs on Windows. It is called fat because it is demanding on the resources of the user’s computer. Also, the 1C thick client can request quite large amounts of data over the network.

From a programmer’s point of view, the main difference between the 1C thick client is that it runs most programs in the built-in 1C language on the user’s computer. For example, 1C wants to execute a query from the database:

  • The 1C client requests data from the 1C server
  • Data is sent to the 1C client
  • The 1C client processes the data.

The 1C thick client interface looks like this. By default, only the user menu is open. The user selects a menu item, which usually opens a window (some kind of list). Next, the user works with the list.

Some configurations for the 1C thick client have a desktop. This is what he looks like. First of all, these are the Accounting and Salaries and Personnel configurations.

Thin client 1C

The 1C thin client appeared relatively recently. The Trade Management configuration (version 11) has already been released for the 1C thin client. The 1C thin client is installed by default along with other 1C client options, but it can be installed separately (only it).

The 1C configurator does not work in the 1C thin client. It can work with a file version of the database, but it is better to use client-server mode.

The 1C thin client also runs on Windows. It is called thin because of the correct organization of the client-server organization of the program. Unlike the 1C thick client, a query from the database will look like this:

  • The 1C client transmits to the 1C server the user’s need to request data from the 1C server
  • Server 1C requests data from the database
  • 1C server processes data
  • The result of data processing is sent to the 1C client.

As you understand, a plus and a minus are immediately born. Plus - no demands on the resources of the user’s computer, less traffic is expected. Disadvantage – higher demands on server resources.

The last disadvantage for large companies is eliminated by the fact that the 1C server can be scaled, that is, install a system of several 1C servers on different computers and they will work together.

The 1C thin client interface looks like this. By default, the user's desktop opens. It is divided into blocks by type of accounting. The user opens a bookmark and uses hyperlinks to open lists.

An additional difference between a 1C thin client and a thick one is that it can work not only via TCP/IP, like the thick one, but also via HTTP, like the 1C web client.

Web client 1C (Web client 1C, Linux client 1C)

The 1C web client allows you to use 1C through a regular Internet browser. You don't need to install anything additional to use it. Can be used under any operating system, including, for example, iPad.

You can see what 1C looks like when working in the 1C web client right now. To do this, go to the official demo of the Trade Management configuration (version 11).

To use the 1C web client, you need to install a web server. It is used exclusively as a transport and transmits requests to the 1C server. The logic for executing queries and processing data in the 1C web client is the same as in the 1C thin client. To work, we use automatic conversion of the built-in 1C language into JavaScript.

In the 1C web client you cannot use any 1C configurations - only those written specifically for working with the 1C thin client. In theory, the development of configurations for the 1C thin client and for the 1C web client are the same (the interface and behavior of the system should be the same too).

However, there are rumors that, at least at the moment, not everything is so smooth and some functions cause errors in the 1C web client, although they work in the 1C thin client.

The 1C web client interface looks like this. As you can see, it differs little from the 1C thin client.

1C Client for PDAs (1C Extension for Pocket PCs)

1C can also be used on PDAs (pocket computers, smartphones). There are even special industrial PDAs for working in a warehouse or store; they usually have an integrated barcode scanner.

To work with 1C on a PDA, you can use the 1C web extension (see below) - that is, a small website that works directly with 1C. However, specifically for PDAs with the operating system Windows Mobile 5.0 and higher or Pocket PC 2003, there is a 1C client for PDAs.

The 1C extension for PDAs works as follows:

  • The PDA requests data from 1C (WiFi, GPRS, bluetooth)
  • The PDA processes data using special forms for the PDA
  • The PDA prints data to the printer (communication in a similar way)
  • The PDA saves data in 1C.

The 1C client for PDA allows you to use the configurator in a slightly abbreviated form, which allows you to work with directories, documents, registers and their forms.

Web extension 1C and web services 1C (Web extension and services 1C)

The number of sites that work directly with 1C or that may need to work directly with 1C is growing. A simple example is an online store. Direct communication with 1C can be used to receive online balances, discounts, customer profiles, and save orders.

To integrate with a website, they usually use periodic exchange (such as in the CMS for websites and online stores 1C Bitrix) or online communication with 1C. To operate a website online with 1C, you can use the 1C web extension or 1C web services.

Web extension 1C is an additional product that is supplied separately. It allows you to develop sites on the ASP .NET platform that work through a pool of COM connections from 1C. Creating a queue of COM connections, saving and manipulating them is already written in the web extension engine for 1C.

1C web services are the capabilities of the 1C platform (1C server). To use them, you do not need to purchase or install additional software from 1C.

Requires a web server (MS IIS or Apache) and its simple configuration (connection of ISAPI extension). After which 1C can publish its own web services. 1C web services allow you to both request data from 1C and write data to 1C.

Security is organized by the fact that no automatic functions are provided, unlike a COM connection - the programmer himself prescribes the capabilities of the functions, therefore, if the programmer did not make a hole (a universal record), then it will not exist.

The 1C web client is currently still a little crude and when working with it you can encounter errors that interfere and irritate. This does not mean that it cannot be worked with - the programmer can remove those configuration places that cause errors.

Of course, the 1C web client is the future of the 1C platform. It is independent of the operating system (Windows, Unix, Mac), browser (IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera), and is not demanding on computer resources.