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Sokolov Igor Vasilievich Rosneft. Igor Sokolov: The requirements are quite stringent, often redundant and do not allow adaptation to existing fuel and energy complex facilities

Search by " head of security service rosneft". Results: security - 6288, chief - 7414, Rosneft - 1024, services - 10115.

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1. General Yurchenko’s method: ... what is behind the recent resignation of the permanent vice-president of OJSC NK " Rosneft" Larisa Kalanda, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of OJSC NK " Rosneft” Yana Arefieva and other top managers of the company, unexpected details of this story were revealed. I contacted the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the capital district of Khamovniki boss one of the departments Rosneft» Igor Gavrikov with a statement in which he asks to initiate a criminal case against boss services security this oil company of Vasily Yurchenko and...
Date: 06/14/2016 2. Career for fun. Rosneft True, it is unclear how such an inadequate character passed the test during further employment in “ boss services security" And the story of Latypov’s career growth to acting remains completely mysterious. Rosneft».
oil company. After all, today the whole world is looking under a microscope at our “ Rosneft Date: 07/28/2017 3. Scarecrow for investors " Rosneft". ... active actions, the main arena of which was the Tuapse Refinery - a 100% subsidiary " security", on which extensive modernization was carried out. For the position of Deputy Director for Economic The refinery was employed by Anton Grachev, who had also previously passed service boss in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - for positions Rosneft police of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Rostov region. Yurchenko and Grachev with the involvement of the administrative resource of the Tax Code "
"We achieved the initiation of a number of criminal cases by the central apparatus of the Investigative Committee of Russia... Rosneft Date: 02/10/2016 4. Drug lord and his soldiers. Rosneft During the festive feast described above on the occasion of Yusufov’s birthday, Colonel Valery Popov gave a heartfelt speech, thanking representatives of the state company “ boss services security“for promoting the “combat brotherhood” and “for placing a large order.” The point was that this year twelve top managers "
Date: 07/21/2016 5. Security officers of the 21st century. two sons Rosneft Anti-terrorist center of the FSB in the early 2000s, German Ugryumov - Alexander and Vladislav. The son of FSB director Nikolai Patrushev, Andrei, became an adviser to the chairman of the board of directors of the oil company. Rosneft» Igor Sechin. In 2007, President Putin awarded twenty-six-year-old Patrushev the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. By that time, he had worked for seven months as an adviser to the chairman." "and three years - in Service security economic
FSB. IN... Rosneft Date: 10/26/2010 6. Steal from Sechin and Tokarev. And in order to strengthen the criminal positions of the Koltsovs at the facilities “ services security"and "Transneft", long-time friend Yuri Mikhalchev became Rosneft boss
OJSC "Samaraneftegaz", a subsidiary of the holding company of the current "oil and gas king of Russia" Igor Sechin " ", the largest oil producing company in the Samara region. security Date: 07/26/2013 7. Construction of a neo-KGB state.
To protect themselves from rampant crime and racketeering, the oligarchs tried to privatize part of the KGB. In their large and expensive services both management and staff consisted of former KGB officers. The oligarchs also hired...
There are many signs that modern boss bosses security intelligence agencies have both such power and such money that have no precedent in Russian history. boss Date: 08/27/2007 8. Groups of influence in modern Russia. services...him to post
managing your own , one of the most “delicate” structures of the intelligence service. Sergei Verevkin-Rokhalsky, who served in the Leningrad KGB for 11 years (until 1984), was dismissed from his post in 2000 security of the FSB Directorate for the Primorsky Territory, he was transferred to Moscow as Deputy Minister for Taxes and Duties (oversaw excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol products). In 2001, he became deputy, and soon first deputy director of the Federal boss security tax police...
Date: 11/23/2001 9. The mystery of "Atoll". Part 2. Rosneft But still, I never wanted to compete with boss services security Oleg Feoktistov's company. The defendant, who faces a 15-year sentence and a fine of 500 million rubles, noted that the charge “is based solely on the testimony” of the head of “ Rosneft", and investigators ignored evidence that confirmed his innocence.
Date: 08/17/2017 11. Denis Voronenkov left politics and is wanted. boss This was done by Oleg Feoktistov, services sixth The refinery was employed by Anton Grachev, who had also previously passed security "Rosneft".
USB FSB. Now Feoktistov heads Rosneft Date: 02/15/2017 12. Sour board. ... M. Busin, on instructions from Kiselev, accused The fact is that construction in Privodino is taking place in violation of the law, and the number of these violations is steadily growing.
Boss security State Architectural and Construction Supervision for the Arkhangelsk Region... security... industrial expertise services ...
and environmental assessment. The regional administration accused the company of non-existent problems with providing fire safety And in order to strengthen the criminal positions of the Koltsovs at the facilities “ construction, organizing the “necessary result” of the fire inspection And in order to strengthen the criminal positions of the Koltsovs at the facilities “ services security Date: 03/25/2005 13. From the declaration of jihad in Russia to the star of the Hero of Russia.
"Rosneft At first Ramzan was listed
personal protection, and as it increased it became boss services security "Rosneft president. "requested a solution to this problem to the Prosecutor General's Office. Date: 05/18/2004 14. Secret investor. boss The statement, which the prosecutor read at the court hearing on September 5, was written on behalf of
", and signed by two names - Feoktistov and Sechin. During interrogation on September 20, Feoktistov stated that the statement was written by Sechin himself. The general clarified that he also signed it - "for the simple reason that he was responsible for boss services security « Rosneft».
safety services". Statement boss and his subordinate decided to write directly to the director of the FSB, “so that it would be less likely to go through some authorities,” he explained... security.
Date: 12/05/2017 15. Creative “order” of Ural Latypov. Rosneft", etc.) and polymers ("Biaksplen"), raiding, illegal trafficking in firearms and drugs, extortion and the organization of prostitution. Former boss Mayor of Novokuibyshevsk Igor Shevyakhov. Source: newspaper "City of NSK" OPF "Indians" is developing territorially and venture-wise. Not long ago, a mobile special group of Indian rammers was caught in Omsk. Venture development keeps pace with the leader of the domestic petrochemical industry - Sibur Holding CJSC. "and three years - in security ...
Date: 12/28/2011 18. Who and for how long did the State Drug Control Agency wiretap. boss services security For a disk with telephone conversations
Alfa Bank was paid $32 thousand, Senator Slutsker cost $16 thousand, $15 thousand - journalist Karaulov Original of this material © Kommersant, 08/19/2008, Listen sold To whom and for how much... Rosneft...NK" services security" - Kabardino-Balkarian Fuel Company" Messrs. Geval and Donchenko were paid $6 thousand in October 2006, according to investigators. And in November 2006, for 13 days to wiretap a former consultant
RAO... boss Date: 08/19/2008 19. Three counter-gangs. Several generals were dismissed at once: Service security Department for Combating Smuggling and Illicit Drug Trafficking Several generals were dismissed at once: Services
Fomenko, first deputy head of the operational-search department Rosneft on protection...
It has its own players - for example, “ services"and Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Igor Sechin. security Date: 05/19/2006 20. Without a single shot fired. Rosneft... association "MENATEP" Platon Lebedev and employee
domestic and economic boss YUKOS Alexey Pichugin. And although the head of “
» Viktor Bogdanchikov, who has long been trying to chop off...

It was Biryukov who ordered the military prosecutors to drop the charges, after which he fired

investigative department and took the case to himself, where it rested safely.
. Date: 07/16/2003
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Dmitry Nikolaevich Kozak

We wish everyone to have a large supply of energy to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams.
May life always be light and warm,
May understanding, love and prosperity reign in families, may fortune smile on everyone.

  • During the period from February 18 to February 21, 2020 A meeting of chief metrologists of oil refining and petrochemical enterprises in Russia and the CIS will take place with the participation of specialists from research and design institutes, equipment manufacturing companies, and engineering firms.

    Topic of the meeting: “Experience and prospects for introducing digital technologies at oil refining and petrochemical enterprises”

  • On October 8 - 11, 2019, the sixth meeting of the Council of Chief Power Engineers of oil refining and petrochemical enterprises in Russia and the CIS was held at the Klyazma boarding house near Moscow. The discussion among specialists from the energy services of refineries, petrochemical plants, representatives of engineering companies and suppliers of equipment for the energy complex focused on the following topics: “Organization of a maintenance and repair system based on the technical condition of electrical equipment at oil refining and petrochemical enterprises. Organization of incoming inspection of power equipment at the enterprise and methods of its diagnostics (electric motors, cables) during operation. Rationing and control of energy consumption at enterprises".

  • Since 02 to 06 December 2019 a meeting of chief mechanics of oil refining and petrochemical enterprises in Russia and the CIS will take place, dedicated to the memory of Boris Sergeevich Kabanov, founder and permanent chairman of the Council of Chief Engineers for more than 20 years..

    The meeting will be held with the participation of specialists from research institutes, design organizations, equipment manufacturers, and engineering firms.

    Theme of the meeting: “The main directions of development of oil refineries and mechanical repair services at the present stage. Ensuring reliable and safe operation of equipment of technological installations and production facilities when changing repair periods"

  • Rosneft is losing top managers. Without explanations for a wide audience, the personnel exodus of the most loyal subordinates to Igor Sechin continues. The day before it became known about the departure of two more vice-presidents of the company - the chief “security officer” Nail Mukhitov and the chief “apparatchik” Rashid Sharipov. “Our version” offers its analysis of the reasons for the flight of insiders.

    Second wave of voluntary layoffs

    A little about newsmakers. Nail Mukhitov, as indicated on the Rosneft website, before joining the company “he worked as deputy head of the Internal Security Directorate of the FSB of Russia. Until recently he was trusted person Sechin and served on the board of directors of United Center for Research and Development LLC (RN-TsIR LLC) and Grozneftegaz OJSC.

    No less the trusted person is Igor Sechin and Rashid Sharipov, who headed his staff at the company since September 2013. Rashid Sharipov also headed the RN-Holding company, which united most of the assets of THK-BP.

    About specific reasons second wave of voluntary layoffs Little is known about the top managers close to Igor Sechin. The press service of Rosneft avoids commenting. There is information on the company’s website that Sharipov and Mukhitov’s duties expired in July 2015. However, both of them still remain members of the Rosneft board.

    People leave, people come

    The only person from the management of the oil giant who gave at least some explanation to the press was the vice president Mikhail Leontyev, responsible for corporate PR. In his usual phlegmatic-optimistic tone for communicating with the press, Leontiev noted that, supposedly, there was nothing extraordinary Did not happen: “We have people leaving and coming. Everything is fine in the company." Leontiev also did not clarify the question that worries many about who will replace those who have left: “I don’t know. They will probably decide. It’s not me who selects candidates for these positions. I don't comment."

    Later, the information, although scanty, was leaked to the press. Allegedly, a successor has already been selected for Mukhitova - the former deputy head of the Rosneft security service. Vladimir Aladin. And Sharipov’s duties will be temporarily performed by the Secretary of State - Vice President of Rosneft Larisa Kalanda. It’s more difficult with Sharipov. They are looking for a replacement from both candidates within the company and from among government officials.

    Perhaps the reason for such a different modus operandi in solving similar personnel problems lies in the fact that Nail Mukhitov doesn't own shares of OJSC NK Rosneft, while Rashid Sharipov is not only Sechin’s “right hand”, but is also a minority shareholder of the company, owning 4443 shares of Rosneft, which is 0.00004% of the authorized capital.

    How write Vedomosti, citing the opinion of an unnamed but familiar vice president, even when Sechin was deputy prime minister and curator of the fuel and energy complex, Sharipov represented his interests on the boards of directors of energy companies. It seems that Sharipov and Sechin met in the early 2000s, as a result of which the top manager became Sechin’s confidant and advised Rosneft in the deal to acquire TNK-BP and Itera.

    It is clear that in this situation you will not find a quick replacement. We need a person who is absolutely proven, loyal and also competent in the area in which he will be engaged. After all, the chief of staff is not a sinecure at all. This is the “brain” to which strings stretch from all departments.

    Who else?

    Another important point. The departed vice presidents held key positions at Rosneft. “The chief of staff and the head of the security service, together with the heads of the financial and personnel departments, are key positions in the company, to which the president, as a rule, appoints not just professionals, but most trusted people," explains the political scientist Alexey Makarkin.

    One cannot help but be alarmed by the fact that both top managers wrote a statement in early July, with a difference of just a couple of days, but these resignations became public knowledge only three weeks later, during which the company’s press service observed vow of silence. One can only guess what caused such secrecy.

    We should not forget that the current high-profile resignations are not the first at Rosneft, which is generally characterized by staff turnover. So, in 2013, its first vice president left the company Eduard Khudainatov. In May of this year, the vice president for legal support of business resigned Igor Maydannik, the head of the information technology service left Rosneft Anton Strokovic. Finally, this spring, the vice president of processing was fired Igor Pavlov and Vice President for Capital Construction Andrey Votinov.

    Since there are no official comments, we can imagine a little ourselves. Only time will answer how much our versions coincide with reality.

    So it's given: the largest (larger only than Gazprom) state-owned raw materials company, staffed to capacity with people close to the confidants of the Russian President Vladimir Putin himself. It would seem that they should hold on to their places, rather large salaries, bonuses and prestige. However, there are some motives hidden from public attention that force these assistants to the captain of the Rosneft business ship to leave it, and not at the best time for the ship.

    Fisherman and fish

    What could be the reasons?

    Version one, commercial. It's no secret that oil prices are falling now Accordingly, the income of oil producers is falling. Moreover, they fall even if on paper and in annual reports incomes are growing. There is such a thing as lost profits. Financial plans of previous years were based on the then higher price per barrel. Today's business planning is driven by much lower prices. So, if we assume that the financial indicators in a situation of low prices are 100% met, the dynamics of the profit will still be less than if higher prices and more modest “wants” for sales volumes remained.

    In August last year, the media reported that for the first time the price of Russian Urals oil fell below one hundred dollars per barrel. And already in January of this year, many experts predicted drop in oil prices to $40 per barrel. The fall in oil prices in the new year will not only not stop, but will also continue, experts who know the market predict.

    At the same time, last year a previously unaccounted factor appeared: Western sanctions against Russia. According to Reuters insiders, sanctions will slow down the development of new oil projects in Russia. And this also reduces the attractiveness of companies such as Rosneft. Figuratively speaking, the catch there becomes smaller, and the “fishermen” slowly begin to look for new backwaters. Add to this a series of man-made accidents at the fields of various Rosneft subsidiaries, about which “Our Version” has already written. These accidents and oil spills can also negatively affect the company's capitalization, at least in terms of reputation.

    On this topic

    Here is the first alleged motive for the mass exodus of top managers.

    Some of the reasons could be recent controversial decisions made personally by the leader, which cannot be discussed - then leaving remains the last chance to express one’s disagreement. Due to changing circumstances, many agreements are at risk of being broken. Here we can also mention agreements with the Norwegian company North Atlantic Drilling on drilling wells in the Arctic, gas supplies to Inter RAO in 2016 and others.

    A man is looking for where it is better, and a fish is looking for where it is deeper.

    Although everything may turn out to be much more prosaic. If we return to the topic of Western sanctions and take into account the fact that senior managers, like the oligarchs, love a beautiful life with all its attributes, and at all not eager quarrel with the West and end up in more and more sanctions lists, then we logically come to second version personnel outcome - political.

    Perhaps we are dealing with an instinctive reaction of part of the Russian raw materials elite, who want to sit out in more prosperous places during the “lean cows” period, distancing themselves from raw materials corporations that have become convenient targets for Western sanctions and “whipping boys” for European and American politicians.

    Roughly speaking, the opportunity to unhinderedly reunite with one’s overseas possessions or yachts in the list of personal priorities of some of the business elite, it outweighs the bonuses they receive while in high positions.

    Version three, financial

    However, there are also reasons why the management itself might not be happy with the team, perhaps asking the players to leave “without noise and dust.” Despite all the trials, Rosneft still paid compensation in the amount of about 12.9 billion rubles in the Yukos case. Later, at the beginning of this year, we had to settle for an even larger amount. In total, Yukos structures demanded up to $2.5 billion in courts with Rosneft! In order not to give away “real money”, the company chose "confirmation of ownership of assets", and this may well mean that Rosneft had to exchange “greyhound puppies” for comparable volumes. Under all the circumstances (the former leader was in prison, the rest were on the run, support for his own position in all branches of government, etc.) Rosneft, apparently, was “sold” the assets of Yuganskneftegaz for the second time. The company was unable to negotiate foreign affairs in advance, and delayed the process until the end. How did a state-owned company pay incredible sums to a man who has “blood on his hands” and who will happily use the funds received to destabilize the political situation in Russia? After this, parting with your immediate circle for the sake of preserving your own post can be a very correct tactful step.

    One way or another, there is something to think about. Let's see where the retirees go and who will replace them. Based on these rearrangements, it will be possible to judge the further trajectory of the business ship called Rosneft and the intentions of its captain Igor Sechin.

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    Kirilychev Alexander Nikolaevich

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    Mobile banking offices equipped with the latest security requirements are a very cost-effective idea, which is now being implemented by Russian Post. To do this, you need to have a good base of armored vehicles and related equipment.